Search results for query: regen

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  1. W

    DPF Regen Until Soot Level >8g

    Don't know if it is much help to you but the revs on my 6.1 don't seem to matter much to what is happening when a regen is going on. Tried at high revs and stuck in traffic - still takes its own sweet time. Takes about 10min either way. Usually starts a regen just as I pull into my road.
  2. C

    Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor Bank 1 Sensor 2 Issue

    ...crafters 2019 , after a nox fault , luckily had 3 spares kicking about but only 1 worked ( after market) it took me several attempts to force regen but got it to kick in ran for 22 minutes then all codes cleared and no more limp mode. I do believe it won't force regen if there are any further...
  3. D

    Possible reasons why my van might have stopped doing DPF regens?

    All sorted by the dealer under warranty thanks mate. Dicky fuel temp sensor ment regens weren’t happening. Then DPF got full and I couldn’t force a regen. So, dealer forced regen and sorted fuel temp sensor… been fine ever since But I’m thinking of heading to Dav Tec for a tune up!
  4. Salty Spuds

    First Time VCDS User

    Sounds like it’s been trying to do a regen, but the runs haven’t been long enough for it to complete. If it’s mid regen & you turn off the engine, it’ll try to complete it the next time you start up. You need to get it upto 2300-2500rpm & hold it there for about 15-20 mins. Either on a main road...
  5. Dellmassive

    High idle and fans running at end of journey - no regen

    What van spec? T6, T6.1?.. what engine. Sounds like typical Regen. . The van should do it every 100 miles or so I use VAG DPF on my phone to check regens. ... I suppose it's possibly engine heat .... But we don't see 30c much in the UK. ... ...
  6. G

    DPF Regen Until Soot Level >8g

    See my 26th May 2024 entry.....Regen light .Still working. fantastic. Easily fitted.
  7. T

    Thinking about buying.

    Ah, the DPF regeneration issues, plenty of discussion on this site about that. In general terms a diesel van will want to regen at between every 100 to 200 miles, probably on the lower side with many short, cold runs. To regen, I find it needs to be warmed up sufficiently and then driven for...
  8. huw169

    Re - gen happening too often

    Mine is typical of most. Regens every 150 miles if doing short journeys or 250-300 miles on a run. If its doing it more often you are creating more particulate for some reason. Saying a regen time period is meaningless.
  9. H

    Regen: Is This Normal?

    Thanks for info, really helpful. The carista - do these affect the warranty? Are they easy to use?
  10. A&A

    Got the dreaded flashing coil light again. DPF ?

    Soot level via carista app .53oz (15g) after carista regen .31oz (8.8g)
  11. J

    DPF Regen Until Soot Level >8g

    Yeah I also noticed the revs did very little. Looking at the data on the screen, the DPF temp went down rather than up when I was accelerating! 10mins would be a dream. The regen causing my light to go on this time clocked 130mins!
  12. bubbadubba

    Dashboard amber warning light ... What is this light?

    Yes as above, dpf light (diesel particulate filter). It will be doing a regen......burning off excess soot. Have you got less than a quarter of a tank of fuel......pretty sure that's the minimum you need to trigger a regen. Might have come on as it can't start one? I have never had that light...
  13. socalledfreeman

    DPF Regen Frequency / Issues / Force discussion.

    Hey guys, new (to me) owner of a 2021 T6.1 with 27k kms on the clock. Stupid question, how do you know when our vans are doing a regen? Mine felt a bit laggy today, fuel economy wasn’t as good as usual and stop-start also wasn’t working, Does that mean it was probably trying to regen? Will...
  14. P

    Requesting help from MMI if possible.

    Hi mmi All is good the garage have replaced the sensor yesterday and the van is happy. Stop start and regen all working fine. Thanks once again for your help. Paul
  15. Jay-D

    Just joined

    Great looking van, as others have said give it a blast on the motorway and let the regen finish and all should be good.
  16. TallPaul_S

    T6: Adblue, did I overfill it, or is the sensor playing up?

    Ahh, yes, the EML might be on as it wasn't able to do a DPF regen due to the low Adblue level? If so, then your adblue is correct, mine also shows 6000 miles after filling it. So take it for a long drive and let the DPF regen happen then you should *touches wood* be good.
  17. Tony Abbott

    Cooling fan continues after engine stops

    Regen happens every 200 miles, is that correct @Pauly ?
  18. Flanagans323

    DPF Force Regen

    Would anybody happen to have any experience with forcing a regen despite "calculated" soot values being over the magic 60g value, or telling the vehicle it has had a new DPF etc? I am aware this limit is set for a reason and don't have the kit to do it myself but have had the DPF foam cleaner...
  19. mmi

    Lumpy engine start and idle

    I don't fully understand what the parameters mean and how to interpret those into something conclusive. I guess they basically indicate just how much injection time deviates in each cylinder from mean injection time. Note: it seems that sum of the deviations = 0. So possibly the ECU has...
  20. W

    Fan runs after even the shortest journey

    My fan has run on a few times the last cpl of days. But I have not had the DPf regen light come up on the dashboard at all. Do these vans fans run on fir other reasons as the;engine temp was on 80 degrees as I only live 2miles from work. Concerned now as if it's a regen why ain't the light...