
  1. spook

    Sold New Cnc Cut Ply Panels

    hi i have a few brand new ply floorings swb lwb ans twin door swb plus door panels ect floors £50 swb £60 lwb ,, door / window panels £10,, PICK UP ONLY ,NORTHEAST /DURHAM/PETERLEE area Thanks
  2. Skyliner33

    Transformation Of An Ex Working Van

    First a bit of background. I have toyed with the idea of swapping my car for a van for a number of years. Firstly as a way of transporting my track bike and gear in stead of a car/trailer. Also giving me the option of sleeping overnight at the track. The swapping of the trackbike to a trail bike...
  3. J

    Found 9mm Plywood Battens For T6 Lwb

    Must be External or Marine Ply Seen a company that do them for £35 but only SWB T5/T6 FloorPacker Set SWB – blueskyconversions Collection or shipping depending on location (I live in Dorset) Thanks

    Anyone’s Ply Panels Warped?! Disfigured?!

    Guys, local converter is saying the ply panels will warp when in heat during summer months. Especially with me having a black van.., I've bought the ply now from eBay, it’ll cost me to send back... is it actually better than the standard kombi panels ?! He’s saying he uses them... he has a good...
  5. Ross’st6

    Pv To Kombi Wood Panelling For Carpeting

    Hi family is growing so needing to convert my van to a kombi, going for seats this weekend and now looking forward further to insulation and carpeting, I’m also guessing I would have to get the windows fitted before the carpeting stage. I have a panel van ply kit but would I need to buy a kombi...

    3.6mm Or 6mm Ply Lining??

    What’s the best option here, for the side panels and roof of the van... I was first thinking 6mm as it means I have more fixing strength when it comes to screwing things into it... however my mate has what seems to be 3.6 and it looks sleek!
  7. superchargedpolo

    Vorhinger / Superva / Morland Board Supplier - Scotland

    Can anyone help. I am struggling to find any suppliers of lightweight furniture board in Scotland. I'm not too fused who manufactures it but don't really want to get it delivered from down south due to cost and potential for damage. Thanks
  8. Jonathan Tompkins

    Half ply, half carpet

    I'm not having a full camper conversion as I need the space for day to day work. I like the sound of carpet lining for when I use it as a camper van but I'm worried it would easily scuff up and be hard to clean down near the floor. The kit I carry isn't filthy but it is occasionally dirty or...
  9. Super Dog

    Interior lining and panelling system

    Hi, does anyone know where I can purchase covered and finished panels that I can fit in my T6 SwB. I would like to purchase a system and fit it myself after soundproofing, insulating and electrics etc. Struggling to find anything tbh, I'm in Leicestershire. Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers.
  10. X

    Plywood Floor - What Type/Grade?

    This question will no doubt split opinion but I am wondering what type/grade of plywood I should use for my 12mm floor. I will have 9mm ply battons bonded to the van (made out of the 9mm ply lining that came with the van), then a 12mm floor followed by 2mm Altro flooring. Initially my plan was...
  11. Coradia63


    Hi All Has anyone used Harrison trims Suedeliner? Was thinking of using on the head lining in the rear was wondering how durable it is with two young children and their sticky little fingers is it easy to clean? Wouldnt mind using it on the side panels but maybe a step to far! Cheers
  12. Coradia63

    Ply lining panels

    Hi All, Can anyone recommend a supplier of CNC cut ply lining panels I've seen lots of kits on line but haven't found any that meet my requirements, I need two rear sliding door panels, tailgate panel, two small C pilar panels without seat belt holes and in the rear quarters I want to fit the...