Audi?!! How very dare you!
''Tis a BMW M135i auto and a Subaru Outback 2.5 petrol manual.
Confused you with some dude who had an S3 on his drive.
All is forgiven as you obviously have excellent taste in both vans and cars lol
Audi?!! How very dare you!
''Tis a BMW M135i auto and a Subaru Outback 2.5 petrol manual.
I'd last four seconds on a fast bike before becoming part of a tree/wall/hedge.
I'd last four seconds on a fast bike before becoming part of a tree/wall/hedge.
I must say i have strayed into hedge or two in my time
Hi pukka. We've got a Bilbos Space camper on a t6 150 dsg. It's fantastic very responsive very smooth both up and down the box. Out and about I get around 40 to 42 mpg. On a motorway run I stick around 60 to 65 mph and get 50 to 54 mpgjust interested in peoples opinion in regards to this engine option with the DSG box?
I've just hit the 13,000 mark and not a thing wrong touch wood. Just got back from 3 weeks in Cornwall. 400 miles on the way back home on just over half a tank of derv. MFD said 52 mpg on the motorway.I really like my 150 DSG - power is more than sufficient for me and MPG what I expected. However, coming up to the magic 3000 miles am wondering if I am about to start hitting the problems others have reported.