Are all waves the same one asks? A courtesy: If someone allows you out of a junction, pulls over on a narrow road to let you pass. In Scotland on single lane roads most of the indigenous folk living in remote areas will even pull over when a car travelling from behind and catches them up. Sign posts are even placed to remind people to do so. Not that many visitors will do so, in fact they will do every thing possible to stop someone from doing so. If some one stops to let you cross the road. For all of these kind acts we wave or lift our hand to salute or offer thanks to the facilitator. That wave or nod is then returned That is an unwritten Law of human decency, thanking someone who has helped us. In the countryside most people acknowledge each other with a raised hand as they pass. Bearing in mind a neighbour in a rural or remote area may be unknown by speech or name but we wave to acknowledge each others existence. Its a warm thing to do, some neighbours may live miles away because we may live on our own patch not surrounded by other houses sometimes for miles. If I am driving around and see some one as I pass or going the other way it is a reflex action to just acknowledge each other with a hand. We might not see that person again for ages. Occasionally we may have to slow right down on a narrow road and crawl, then stop and pass a few words and travel on again. We never ignore each other. there is always some sort of acknowledgement, always. Even if just a smile.
When we have had guests and I drive them about or pick someone up from a distant place and bring them back. They believe that I know hundreds of people because I do all the above acknowledge a courtesy on the road no matter how small lift the hand to some farmer 3 miles away just to show he exists. It is the way it is done. Wow you sure know a lot of people. In fact I know few of them really.
Living in cities can be different. In the north, Liverpool Manchester, Glasgow and so on, people used to chat to each other on the bus. Little old ladies would talk to teens, they do not know. Waiting at a bus stop, a conversation with a stranger was very easy and not unusual. In different part of UK, I do not want to say which part, it was very different, people did not like to look strangers in the eye. If waiting for a bus, they would just stair at the floor at anything to avoid any form of closeness almost a refusal of acknowledgement at any level. It like that thing when people enter a lift. Everyone shuts up even if they may have been talking to a friend. If someone, me for instance tried to talk to someone in a lift even a comment. The others would shift about on their feet awkwardly and try not to engage. It would make them noticeably uncomfortable.
This forum is a sort of community, we ask advice, we give advice. We chat about all sorts of things. We agree, we disagree, we applaud, we grumble, we disapprove. We acknowledge each other, we learn how to respond. It is more for many than just a place to exchange mechanical information. It is part of being human being an animal even. Perhaps that familiarity, leans us towards acknowledging others, who seem or appear or who might be in our little society. Occasionally someone may return that wave or lifted hand and then we feel warm. We exist, they are like us. we have a common interest. Perhaps those who do not wave have not realised that. They are on their own in their own bubble. The car is not their link to humanity. Perhaps they do not even belong to humanity or wish to be part of it.
It is really OK to wave or accept others. It is a warm and human thing and some will appreciate that and others will just ignore it, for a thousand reasons or perhaps they did not even notice because they are away with the fairies.
Just carry

on waving you might get one back, it might be me

waving back!