Only because your converted van is probably worth more than a Cali…. Can’t do much to a Cali once you’ve brought itI’ve noticed the only people who seem to wave back in my area are driving white vw vans. I also get the impression California drivers would rather rip their own arm off, then wave at a converted van. Must be like Goldwings waving at other non-goldwing bikes.
It's pretty tough tbh - I've found that the pop-tops, awnings, LEDs are an indication of a waver but am always on standby for even the panel vansI drove from Essex to Aberdeenshire yesterday and out of the 60 odd waves I gave I got about 20 back and 5 of those I'd say we're very enthusiastic!
I'm very picky with my waves though...have to be non panel that bad if me...
According to the DVLA, I drive a panel van with windows. Will you wave at me?I drove from Essex to Aberdeenshire yesterday and out of the 60 odd waves I gave I got about 20 back and 5 of those I'd say we're very enthusiastic!
I'm very picky with my waves though...have to be non panel that bad if me...
I have a panel van, please wave to me, I’ll wave backI drove from Essex to Aberdeenshire yesterday and out of the 60 odd waves I gave I got about 20 back and 5 of those I'd say we're very enthusiastic!
I'm very picky with my waves though...have to be non panel that bad if me...
Can we get a pic of the gangsta-lean please just so we can recognise it out on the road?I'm not sure I'm entirely convincing with my "gangsta lean" but I do give out quite a few gang sign style waves where the heel of the hand is still on the steering wheel but the open palm is raised while the face performs a thousand yard stare.
Obviously if I looked a bit more Vin Diesel instead of Hertz Van Rental the effect would be more akin to a drive by by those Bad Boiz from Lowdown Transporters but alternating the gangsta signal with my other mode which is the waving like a 5 year old at the Red Arrows as they hurtle past and I reckon a more than 50% successful exchange rate.
The wife thinks I'm a loser but then her bench seat and swivel means she sits a full 6" higher than my fully ratcheted down captain's chair...