Aaaaagh! Stonechip

Forget any paint work repair on a Blackberry. I had mine repaired a few months ago after a truck swiped my rear offside. The body work repair was ok but the paint work was/is beyond awful. It's quite clearly the wrong colour, sort of a duller pink. It's been back a couple of times and the ascessors from the insurance company have had a look at it but say it's fine and it's because the paint/vehicle is new that it looks different. I'm considering my options now, but Blackberry is a funny one at the best of times, but repairing...more than tricky.

Oh, and before you ask, the body shop was Evans Halshaw Leeds, and the not only did a cr@p job twice, they also scratched the van twice. They did a similarly poor job on my wife's car a few years ago.
Hi @Scruffy, take it to another body shop/VW main dealer for their opinion, and if they say that it's not up to muster, then contact your insurers again, and suggest they send out a senior assessor. Point out any blemishes/dirt inclusions, and look for any blochyness to the mica/metallic effect, also look for excessive orange peal effect compared to original finish, Look for masking lines as well. Document everything, and say that you want it done at another body shop, and if needs be a full re spray. Only you can tell how good or bad it is in your eyes. If not happy there is the insurance ombudsman to fall back on, but he needs it all recorded and documented.. I.e, get a diary and put everything in that, names conversations, phone calls etc. I kicked god knows how many insurance company's own assessors off my dad's driveway with a flea in their ear and a verbal kick up the backside with him there. And called the local body shop assessor the tea boy! Long story, but I'm qualified to do all this, and it got sorted in dad's favour with a lot of effort! Be aware though new paint does just look "wrong", especially white and will die back, but wrong tint is wrong tint!
Colour match depends on the colour system. Not every colour is the same from system to system.

I have not had a issue with blackberry yet. Did it on an Audi edge to edge. Matched find. However I do use a spectrometer to get the closest match or off all the nearest colours.

Also different lacquers and how many coats applied changed the colour. Some have high uv filters in them adding a yellow tinge you the clear.
@RattyMcClelland :thumbsup:yep to the variables includes gun angle and distance/speed, temp of panel and air from gun as well as pressure, HVLP or HTE, nozzle & needle choice, fan spread and fluid tip/amount of paint at trigger etc etc, @Scruffy but the point is it can be done and done right by someone who gives a damn and doesn't scratch the car. Some people can't match metallics in even application (blotchy), others find it simples, I can edge to edge pearls and mica as well as solids and metallics but that's life? If your not happy, don't give up.:thumbsup: The point with the dealer, is that if they say the paint match is NFG, they are the makers agents, so your insurance has to sit up and take notice. If not then you get VW UK to arrange for it to be looked at for colour match etc through your dealer to back their view up. The point is the insurers aren't the end of the line.:thumbsup:
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Good morning @Scruffy and @RattyMcClelland I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are having with Blackberry paint matching but I can attest to at @T6 Dave's eye for colour and his ability to "spot the difference" and get a "Rolls-Royce" finish out of the gun, so much so that a shop with an urgent job asked his assistance and then complained that there was no orange-peel finish to match other panels. As for the insurance assessors some are absolutely useless and certainly will not be on your side if assessing a repair by their insurance company's approved preparers. Also many dealers contract-out bodywork repairs and don't have the skills to assess paintwork themselves. But as has been said, wrong is always wrong and the ombudsman is always independent but needs a well researched and documented case.
@Scruffy , with the dealer comment, there are two points of use to use against the insurers.

1. If the agent finds it sub standard then it is not up to trade in/vw approved finish so they are shot down in flames.

2. If substandard, there is a value knocked off for trade in, so the work has devalued your vehicle due to not being up to muster, and the insurers are then liable for the cost, as it's not back to pre accident finish.

3. If dealer not happy, what about your 12 yr anti perforation warranty etc.

Oops that's three minimum:whistle::whistle: I'm going quiet on this topic now, as I don't want to upset or annoy by banging on unless asked:thumbsup: But I am here to ask an opinion of if you need, as is everyone else:thumbsup::thumbsup: Good luck, don't despair and don't let the bstrds grind you down;)
I used our dealers bodyshop (they sub contract it) for a really nasty 2ft gouge in our last Cali ;"(wife clipped a low wall); not only were they cheaper than two other quotes but they also did an amazing job. It was on the nearside so a huge panel; I was expecting it to cost a grand or more; it was £470.

They also machine polished it when the dealer "washed" it with a Brillo pad (or similar) and had to be sorted. Again they did a great job.
@Polzeylad finding a good body shop is like finding gold, do you tell others so that they are overworked or keep it to yourself and they don't get enough work to stay in business. Great when you find a workshop, mechanical or bodywork, that you can trust your beloved vehicles to.
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Everyone, and @Pauly and @RattyMcClelland in particular, thanks for the list of paint codes. I have extracted them and emailed the owner of ChipEx. Will go and speak to him next week when he is back in the country to see what he can do for the T6 forum. Pauly, want to try and get the best method possible, so if he is agreeable, would it be possible to place a link through the forum shop to his website? PM me your thoughts and I'll put it to him.
This is what great forums are all about. Not moaning, patronising, insulting, being snobbish and so on (ring any bells anyone?!) but clubbing together and helping each other out.
BMW forums are terrible, Subaru ones aren't much better and the only "dedicated" Cali forum was ruined (after a great start) years ago. nd the multi vehicle ones like Pistonheads are dreadful. This is by far the best forum around. Long may it last!
As way of an update - sorry its been quiet, have not forgotten. The owner of ChipEx is now back in the country and 'should' be back at the company tomorrow, so I'll get the Mrs to ensure he has read the email I sent him a couple of weeks ago. I'll let you know what the outcome is, and if he'll do us a deal.