have trouble finding the blockmap on my laptop i done it but its gone some where
I'm afraid the VCDS interface cable is "too" old - thus simply not capable of doing the maps.
The blockmap functionality needs HEX-V2 or HEX-NET cables.
Alternatively the maps could be done through VCDS > Engine > Adv. Meas. Values by ticking/saving/unticking 12 values at a time. The problem is there are almost 1500 parameters. Controller channel map functionality would have recorded all of them in less than 70 seconds.
Anyways, here is a short list of values to record/save by using path VCDS > 01-Engine > Adv. Meas. Values and VCDS > 17-Instruments > Adv. Meas. Values
From 01-Engine
IDE03139 Reducing agent injector: resistance
IDE03142 Remaining vehicle distance until reducing agent deficiency
IDE03387 Duration of overtemperature at the reduction agent injector
IDE06059 Particulate filter: oil ash mass
IDE09009 NOx sensor after SCR catalytic converter: supply voltage
IDE09648 EGR travel diagnosis: slightly increased NOx emission
IDE09649 EGR travel diagnosis: strongly increased NOx emission
IDE09650 AGR travel diag.: increased NOx emission effect. throttle valve
IDE09651 EGR travel diagnosis: marginally increased NOx emission
IDE09881 Oxygen sensor bank 1 before oxi cat: electric. corrected Urie sensor value
IDE10241 Reducing agent pump module relative press.: calculated
IDE10249 Reducing agent fill level sensor: act. value
IDE10916 Reducing agent system debounce distance
IDE11219 Reducing agent inj. quantity: spec. value
IDE11220 Reducing agent system: current status
IDE11221 Reducing agent system: last status
IDE11222 Reducing agent system: current substatus
IDE11223 Reducing agent system: last substatus
ENG110382-ENG20516 SCR inducem system status-inducement system active
ENG110382-ENG20517 SCR inducem system status-reagent level too low
ENG110382-ENG20518 SCR inducem system status-incorrect reagent
ENG110382-ENG20519 SCR inducem system status-deviation of reagent consumption
ENG110382-ENG20520 SCR inducem system status-NOx emissions too high
NOTE: Some of the parameters have multiple instances - tick all of them.
From 17-Instruments
IDE00337-MAS00261 Status of input signals 3-Exhaust Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) (OBD)
IDE00778 Urea operating range
IDE00849-MAS03235 Urea status 1-Urea warning level 1
IDE00849-MAS03236 Urea status 1-Urea warning level 2
IDE00849-MAS03237 Urea status 1-Urea: acoustic warning
IDE00849-MAS03238 Urea status 1-Urea: text