The usual - EML & AdBlu

Hi all,
Please don’t scroll by as ‘just another post’!

I’ve had the 2017 reg 2018 T6 2.0 diesel since it was 6 months old.
It’s now covered just over 57,000 miles and in that time has had 7 EML issues and 3 ‘No.3 injector’ replacements.
August 23 lead to a VW Customer Services intervention and it was finalised in my favour.

No issues - until we reached French shores (naturally). Firstly I’d checked all levels before leaving Lancashire. 2000 miles showing in AdBlue field. No issues all the way down at all.

After 2.45hrs of driving at a steady 70mph ish the EML came on. No other handling issues were apparent.

Shortly after the ‘can and spanner’ symbol came on and the 650 AdBlu warning message showed. That dropped to 550 so I pulled into a French services, got turned over for 5ltrs of AdBlu and cautiously filled the tank. (Of note the van DID restart at a level showing 550 miles).
(I’d fallen foul of over filling it in the last).

After 8 miles driving the AdBlu level showed 3000 miles and the warning symbol & message went out.
EML remained on.

Van parked up for a few days but yesterday as it was raining we had a day out. EML still on.

On the way back I brimmed the tank with diesel ready for moving on come Monday….. and as we set off from the pumps the EML went out and stayed out all the way back to the site.

My question - has anyone else had this issue and what was the cause please?

Thanks, Dan
Had a very similar issue - light coming on and then going off shortly after. Friend of mine (mechanic) suggested it could be crystallisation around the needle/sensor based on how the Adblue tank detector works?
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Morning all,
Just an update on this topic.

The van returned from France, went into the workshop for inspection but I needed it back for a trip to Cornwall during which time the Adblue and EML illuminated again. When I returned it went back into the workshop for more investigation.

The upshort being they fitted a new Adblue tank (£1005 plus whatever the diagnostic time cost).

Luckily I took out the ‘All-in’ warranty and the covered it on that. Zero cost to myself.

Although it took a while to resolve I’m hopeful that it’s done now. Time will tell on the next long run (13/09/24 to Watford).

I’ll report back. Thanks for the input and suggestions.