Aircon/blower Smell


Vans book in thursday

Seems to have a weird smell almost like faint silicon curing. I've replaced polled filter and done air bombs etc . But still cones back intermittently.
Seems to mainly be with aircon and cold blower. Hot air is fine.

Any ideas?
Is it damp under the front carpet?
Perhaps you have some mould growing in the evaporator?
I've tried removing the filter and using a bomb. Did improve slightly . But still lingering intermitantly
Check if your EGR pipe isn't split on the bellows, common fault.......

I was getting a smell of fumes in the cab too. Replaced the EGR pipework, VW have upgraded the bellows on the replacement.
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I've had a look and cant see any obvious splits.
It only seems to work on aircon and cold settings .
Since cleaning and changing filter seems a bit better.
Smells like faint vinegar , silicon
Hi all,

I originally had some bad smells coming through the blower when I tried out the air con on our relatively new )to us) 17 plate van. Squirted the foaming anti bac/fungal stuff in the vents and on the evaporator. This totally cured the bad smells from the air con. The funny thing is, is that having the blower on in the cab but with air con off I’m still getting a bad feet smell. Any ideas anyone?
I shied away from spraying the foam into the air intake,which is just behind the bonnet on the passenger side, because I could see a fan motor located there and didn’t want the foam going into any electrical, but maybe it’s fine to do this?
I can't offer cure but am certainly interested as I have the same problem. I have the normal (ish) air con smell but typically after turning it off and just running normal air I do get a slightly mouldy smell.
All the manual air con systems I’ve had smell a bit If you run them and then turn them off. It’s the dampness and condensation in the evaporator and pipe work as it’s cold and suddenly encounters warm moist air when you turn the engine off.

I tend to turn mine off about 10 minutes before the end of the journey and run the fan to dry the system out. Hey presto, no smell.
Spaghetti has hit the nail on the head, this usually works. The problem with the smell is, Bacteria, and live bacteria fart! well....that's how it was put to me anyhoo...? Running the fan after switching the aircon off hopefully clears the remaining condense and the bacteria have less chance.
I had a similar problem with the screen wash bottle making the screen wash stink. No matter what I put in the bottle, within a day it stank. Problem was that when I washed the screen the air con drew in the smells.
Never did cure it.
That's what I thought. I didn't go into great depths but all the usual screen washes didn't cure it.
Van's gone now so its Listers car park that will stink.
Spaghetti has hit the nail on the head, this usually works. The problem with the smell is, Bacteria, and live bacteria fart! well....that's how it was put to me anyhoo...? Running the fan after switching the aircon off hopefully clears the remaining condense and the bacteria have less chance.

I had an Aircon service a couple of weeks back - but I still get 'that' smell when you switch it on. I didn't really query the Aircon service but assume it was simply a re-gas and not a bacterial clean as well that some garages offer.

Have been looking at this - as supposedly kills bacteria - but assume you'll always get the reaction Spaghetti references, so whilst the below might have an initial imact it will come back pretty shortly - so instead follow Spaghetti's advice of running fan after truning air con off... ???
Check the scuttle for debris, I recently had a look in mine after 4 years and it was full of mud and rotten leaves and seeds. The air inlet to the pollen filter is on the near side.
There are water drains on both sides but they won’t allow the accumulated crap to clear.
Check the scuttle for debris, I recently had a look in mine after 4 years and it was full of mud and rotten leaves and seeds. The air inlet to the pollen filter is on the near side.
There are water drains on both sides but they won’t allow the accumulated crap to clear.
Sounds like a plan. Where’s the scuttle?
Thanks for all the other replies. Air con actually okay, it’s just when I have the blower on with air con. Which seems weird to me
Sounds like a plan. Where’s the scuttle?
Thanks for all the other replies. Air con actually okay, it’s just when I have the blower on with air con. Which seems weird to me
Just underneath the front wipers, it’s the void between the engine compartment and the cab bulkhead.
Open the bonnet.
Pull off the long rubber seal just forward of the windscreen wipers.
Remove both wiper arms, you’ll probably need a 2 legged puller as these can be tight.
Pull away the plastic scuttle cover and start cleaning.
Note while you have it clean you might want to sound deaden this area, it makes a massive difference. See separate post.
Just don't turn the AC off. All the problems with bad smells, perished seals etc are due to not running it enough, mine is left switched on all the time the ignition is on, 365 days a year whatever I'm driving and I've never had any issues. It's not just for hot weather.