Anyone Know What This Fault Is And Whats Broken?

Mine has the same fault but in sure its making my Alarm LED stay solid red after locking for a few mins before returning to flashing.
The different led solid/flash is normally telling you whether its deadlocked or not.
The different led solid/flash is normally telling you whether its deadlocked or not.
Do you have a break down of the LED combo’s? I dont do anything differently when locking the van, just sometimes it stays solid then flashes and sometimes it goes straight to flashing. Cheera
just sometimes it stays solid then flashes and sometimes it goes straight to flashing
Just noticed today that my alarm light is now staying lit for about 30s before flashing. It might be the darker evenings but I’ve not noticed it before. All doors are locking and no lights on the dash.

It is the general view that one of the locks is just a little slower than the others and if so is it most likely to be the sliding door?
Many thanks. Looks like I will be booking it in. Good job I signed up for the All In plan last week!