Autoterm Heater & Powerstation Connection.


T6 Pro
I am about to pull the trigger on installing a dedicated Autoterm Heater under the drivers seat, but due to the nature of my fully modular camper the heater needs to be easily connected/disconnected from my AC70 PowerStation.
The following diagram is my current setup, I just need to wire the heater to the fuse box with a removable connector of some sort.

AC70 PowerStation ----240v---- Victron Bluesmart 12v 30amp converter ----12v---- 6 way fuse box ---- Removable Connector ? ---- Autoterm Heater.

The biggest problem I have is making an easy, reliable and very neat connection from the heater to the fuse box (in bold).
These would be ideal: Blue Sea Systems Weatherproof 12V Plugs & Sockets | 12 Volt Planet

They are Neat & Tidy, have twist lock and are rated for 10-15amps, but my concern is are these connectors actually man enough to to power the heater on its startup/shutdown phase ?

I know the heater pulls 30W when running at full power but it will pull a lot more than that on startup, which is why I am doing it from the 240v end on the PowerStation and converting it to 12v via the Victron, Autoterm dont say just how much power/amps the heater uses on startup on any of their literature.
You could also use a SB50 Anderson connector.

The autoterm pulls up to 15A on startup and shutdown.

Then 1A when running.
I looked at the SB50 Andersons and their still an option but they need a 6mm cable for the terminals which seems utter overkill and their not the best looking of things ! I have used them before on winches for the Argo & Quad.

So would the above Blue Sea connectors with a 2.5mm cable be able to take the 15amp draw for 3-4mins while the heater spools up ?

These Plugs & Sockets were my second choice as their rated to 20amps IP67 Waterproof 2-Pin Panel Mount Connector Plug (12/24V DC, 20A)
But the problem with these is the socket sticks out by about 20mm and the twist lock is on the external side of the socket which is going to cause a major ball ache where I need to fit them and gives me other problems !