Upgrading the Factory Leisure Battery set up (+ additions)!

You have to account for the loses in DC-DC conversion so I'd normally expect the manufacturer to specify a higher input fuse than 60A for a 50A charger.

I'd suggest running it at 30A (in software/settings) for general use and only using 50A when fast charging is really critical, it's a lot kinder on everything if you don't need it charged RIGHT NOW.

As to changing the cable I think 16mm2 would be preferred, but if you plan on running at 30A charge most of the time arguably that's what your existing system has been doing and I assume no signs of any heating issues?

If you wanted to regularly charge at the full 50A I'd be much more inclined to run a 16mm2 while you have everything in bits anyway.
The SA3 terminal is vacant so I may be better off running a 16mm cable now. Does mean getting that poxy e-box cover off again though
One of the advantages of the 6.1 electrics is that additional blade fuse box on top.

But then I suspect that bites you back when you have to juggle a fresh battery in