Hi, new here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,
Iv got a project I’m working on (not the one in my pic) and I’m in talks with Duchy Banded Wheels in regards to making some 18” Amarok steels into 13” rears ( don’t ask ) and 9.5” fronts as apposed to 9 inch fronts.
Does anybody here run or know of anybody that runs 9.5’s on the front? Is it practical? I’m planning on rolling the arches a tiny bit if that helps. I’m also going for quite an aggressive stance look so not hoping to tuck them under the arch too much.
Any pics or info would be much appreciated
I'm surprised Jamie will make some 13" rears for you. I'm even more surprised he didn't fall off his chair when you asked himbut bagsy first refusal on one of the rears to make a table out of, if you find they don't actually fit.
9.5" fronts have been done but many of those that have attempted it have reported fouling and rubbing on lock, although I don't think anyone has done 9'5" Amarok 18s on the front.
I've had 3 sets of Duchys banded 18s and they always seem to sit lovely on his standard banded widths. I'm currently running a set of his 19" Range rover space savers that are 9" and 10" and judging on my rears you'd possibly get another half inch if you pushed it, making them 10.5s but the various conversations i've had with Jamie, he doesn't like going over what he knows works.
I for one would love to see how a 13" banded 18 would look, because I suspect he won't be adding the extra you want to the outer dish of the wheel, giving a rather extreme depth, more likely if he is going to do it, he will share the extra width with the inner and outer, but either way I cannot see it fitting without either a wide body arch (which I have seen done twice on a Transporter) but bare in mind that route meant the side loading doors couldn't actually be used because they wouldn't open. Or, some major inner arch work.
Good luck with this project and keep us posted.
I have 9's on the front and 9.5's on the rear, any wider (to be honest even the 9.5's do) and the tyres will foul on the side door as it opens, too wide and you may not be able to open the sliding door.
View attachment 64507
Hi, new here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,
Iv got a project I’m working on (not the one in my pic) and I’m in talks with Duchy Banded Wheels in regards to making some 18” Amarok steels into 13” rears ( don’t ask ) and 9.5” fronts as apposed to 9 inch fronts.
Does anybody here run or know of anybody that runs 9.5’s on the front? Is it practical? I’m planning on rolling the arches a tiny bit if that helps. I’m also going for quite an aggressive stance look so not hoping to tuck them under the arch too much.
Any pics or info would be much appreciated
Hi, new here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,
Iv got a project I’m working on (not the one in my pic) and I’m in talks with Duchy Banded Wheels in regards to making some 18” Amarok steels into 13” rears ( don’t ask ) and 9.5” fronts as apposed to 9 inch fronts.
Does anybody here run or know of anybody that runs 9.5’s on the front? Is it practical? I’m planning on rolling the arches a tiny bit if that helps. I’m also going for quite an aggressive stance look so not hoping to tuck them under the arch too much.
Any pics or info would be much appreciated
Just checked, ET35. No spacer in the front, 12mm on the rear (same size and offset). I could only get the wheels in 112pcd and adaptors would of given poke, so I bought 4 wheel bearings, remachined the hub flanges to 112pcd. So yea, 10j on the front ET35. Perfect
Yer I know the one. I love their other one, the orange oneMakes sense now.
If you look at the Green pickup/Frankenstein creation owned by Transporter HQ, you cannot miss it if you look through their Instagram, that originally has banded 17s, before the current Weller steels, and those rears were a special order at 10.5" by Duchy and they looked super cool.
I'd suggest finding someone with a set of banded 18s in your area and ask if you can try their 9.5" rears on your front before committing to an order with Jamie, but i'm not sure if the rear 9'5s are a different offset to the potential 9'5" fronts, or if the 9.5" fronts he sends you are just a pair of his standard rears.
All a bit confusing, but i'm sure you know what i'm taking about.
They certainly are, how could you tell lol
Out of pure interest, your 10" wheels. Just wondering where you are taking the measurements from to decipher that they are actually 10"
Is it what's stamped on the wheel?
I ran 8.5" ET45 alloys and they sat pretty close to the arch on B14s set on lowest. They looked pretty much perfect on the front of mine, but a 10" ET35 would of poked out for sure.
Myself and @T6180 had a weird situation with a pair of banded 19s that poked awfully on his T6, but sat perfectly on mine. Both T6's were low and both are T32s. The only difference we could tell was his is manual and mine is DSG. We never did work out why there was such a difference on the front.
Well the original plan was to put a set of Toyo R888’s on them. As the rear tyres are so big and will be partly on display when finished I wanted a specific looking tread pattern. I have wanted these tyres for forever but never had a vehicle that warranted them.Have you priced up tyres to fit those rims yet?
My mate has a Stratos replica that uses some huge width rear tyres and they're not cheap.