Bike rack problems.


VIP Member
T6 Pro
I finally got round to purchasing a bike for my t5 era bike rack, shamefully taken me 3 years. I have run into a problem. As I unwind the knob to open the clamp jaws the threaded rod, which is fixed into the knob, unscrews from the bolt in the frame attatched plastic assembley. Should the knob be unscrewing from the thread at it's end of the rod rather than turning the threaded rod causing it leaves it's securing bolt?
Should the knob be unscrewing from the thread at it's end of the rod rather than turning the threaded rod causing it leaves it's securing bolt?
Yes. Typically the knob seizes onto the rod. Lots of penetrating oil, and maybe mole grips to hold the rod, and hopefully you can free the knob off. Then a dab of grease will stop it happening again.
Thanks for the reply. The rod in this arm was not securely held into the nut in the plastic mounts on the rack. Fastened it up and put thread lock on and now working. However, I turned the key to lock it, so the knob spins freely and couldn't undo the lock the next day. Then I found the other two arms were also seized in the lock poition. Repeated DW40 into the lock has, after weeks of spraying, freed 2 of them. This last one, the one the I had the initial fight with, is refusing to unlock. If anyone has any suggestions beyond WD40 before I Dremmel the knob off I would be grateful.