I work from home normally and so nothing much has changed for me except the kids are around all the time and so it’s actually been a good opportunity to spend some time with them.I think i must be in a minority, i used to spend a fair bit of time at home and my workshop here, but with this increased time at home I've been plodding though the list of jobs i've been meaning to get around to. Typically i would often find myself leaving the house to do favours for others in my free time and not doing my own stuff! I've got a couple more jobs i want to have a look at, including an engine rebuild on a shifter kart I've had laying about a while, finish off a drift trike i was building and also getting my Mk1 Golf GTI ready to come out the garage when all this is over and the workshop needs a major tidy up also.
Our baby is now a month old and has only left the house 3 times since he was born, so thats not ideal and a shame for family who are not able to see him in his early life. Google Duo has been used a lot more recently, I've been hosting group video chats with family so we can all chat together, its forced some of the less 'tech savvy' to embrace the technology as there really isnt a lot of alternative at the moment.
In some respects this new life suits me better, working from home is convenient and saves me 2 hours of commuting every day with the advantage of being about to help out with baby. I'm not sure how our dog is going to take it when all this is over, he was always my shadow, however more recently he barely leaves my side. when i have to go to work he is not going to be very happy!
Make the best of the situation folks as much as you can!
I’m surprised you have time for anything with a one month old baby! I guess it’s not your first as you seem quite calm about it all (not sanitising the sanitiser etc).
We have the week off this week as planned to go away but instead spending the time decorating our bedroom (I hate decorating
Anyway, I’m sitting outside in my shorts cooling off after doing some sanding, having a coffee listening to the birds, who definitely haven’t got the message about staying home. Are there more or it is just that they are more noticeable? I think we all need to remember just how lucky we are. My garden is small but we are so lucky to have the space. There are so many families with no outside space at all. Our NHS is run down and underfunded but one of the best in the world with some of the best doctors and nurses in the world. Our government is lacking in experience and morals but is stable and has the foundation of a strong and highly capable civil service. I certainly have a lot to be thankful for and I hope my family and yours too stay safe until this is all over and we don’t forget what happened and what we can do when we all work together.