Sorry Dave I'm confused..
my comment was to help the O.P, who is nervous about service history.
How have you ended up swinging your handbag in my direction?
You disagree with my statement and my experience... i said....present some data to refute my experience, I've given you my subjective experience, so you give yours right? I dont agree with you, you dont agree with me...thats fine too.....As I said, in my reply to you, its ok to disagree but don't get your bra in a twist son and get the kitty claws out. Thats just not nice is it.
Here's a link to the forum rules. Refresh yourself and think about How you respond.
Rather than trawl through my old threads like a teenage girl digging up dirt on someone she hates on Facebook and making catty remarks.
you dont have to read my stuff mate, just block my posts.... easy...
my comment was to help the O.P, who is nervous about service history.
How have you ended up swinging your handbag in my direction?
You disagree with my statement and my experience... i said....present some data to refute my experience, I've given you my subjective experience, so you give yours right? I dont agree with you, you dont agree with me...thats fine too.....As I said, in my reply to you, its ok to disagree but don't get your bra in a twist son and get the kitty claws out. Thats just not nice is it.
Here's a link to the forum rules. Refresh yourself and think about How you respond.
Rather than trawl through my old threads like a teenage girl digging up dirt on someone she hates on Facebook and making catty remarks.
you dont have to read my stuff mate, just block my posts.... easy...

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