Car Cleaning extendable mop/broom recommendations


Senior Member
T6 Pro
any recommendations for an extendable brush that can reach the roof without the need for a hop up etc, maybe even one that can attack other parts of the vehicle without damage. I am 6ft so can reach ish

slowly getting into the car cleaning regimes, previous trucks not worth spending too much time over

now got decent pressure wash set up including snow foam kit and about to trial pre-wash, not sure if this needs agitating, suspect on occasions it might although videos suggest not

so any recommendation on extendable quality soft mops and wheel cleaning brushes?

best pre-wash?

using Auto Glym Polar wash wax atm
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Bilt hamber is good brand and use there stuff a lot I personally wouldn’t touch my van with any sort of brush hop up and soft mitt my method.

Also started using Sam’s detailing products there drying towel is immense and can do the van in one. I’ve had a lot of towels and this is best by far.
Bilt hamber is good brand and use there stuff a lot I personally wouldn’t touch my van with any sort of brush hop up and soft mitt my method.

Also started using Sam’s detailing products there drying towel is immense and can do the van in one. I’ve had a lot of towels and this is best by far.
appreciate your thoughts, that is my current method so maybe I am doing it the best way?

Agree on the drying towel, grabbed on last year and bazar how much better it is than other micro fibres and shammy. some of their chemicals seem good also
appreciate your thoughts, that is my current method so maybe I am doing it the best way?

Agree on the drying towel, grabbed on last year and bazar how much better it is than other micro fibres and shammy. some of their chemicals seem good also
Personally for me that’s is the best way.

Yes I agree there ceramic foam is brilliant easy to put thru the snow foam lance then rinse.
Also there’s ceramic boost in a bottle same stuff really
Then sheet with water and vans virtually dry
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