Catalytic Converter Amber Warning Light, Adblue Issue

Guess what? I know have the dreaded warning light... A week after its 1st service. Should this have been picked up?View attachment 23791
It’ll depend upon what fault code is recorded when they hook it up. A first service is not much more than a swap of oil and filters. It is not like they go through the parameters of every single component in the engine, so highly improbable that it could have been prevented.
It’ll depend upon what fault code is recorded when they hook it up. A first service is not much more than a swap of oil and filters. It is not like they go through the parameters of every single component in the engine, so highly improbable that it could have been prevented.
Fair enough, hopefully nothing too serious then
When took mine I had only done 300 miles so dealer took it in st8 away. The checked it over been fine since done 1500 miles since. I want to know is this peculiar to T6 or all eur6 engines all makes, as my neighbour has a Kia sportage drives about 15 miles an hour goes 2 miles round trip once a week ! and he never had this fault ?
Any more recent thoughts on the reason behind this warning light coming on? I'm currently sat waiting for VW Assist having just pulled off the M6 due to the warning light coming on. Van (diesel, manual) has just over 3000 miles on clock done in the last 10 weeks, 95% motorway miles.
I have had mine on twice , once @ 800 miles approx. , once at around 5.5 k or thereabouts . I had refilled with adblue before heading abroad , light came on coming into Luxembourg from inverness , so around 800 miles since fill . both times have been told adblue related fault ( although once in german ! ) , but had filled with pump at volume advised by dash .
Drives fine & no other issues when light on .
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Thanks teamfly. This thread suggestive that safe to continue driving but I'll wait for VW Assist to attend to confirm!
Any more recent thoughts on the reason behind this warning light coming on? I'm currently sat waiting for VW Assist having just pulled off the M6 due to the warning light coming on. Van (diesel, manual) has just over 3000 miles on clock done in the last 10 weeks, 95% motorway miles.
Mine came on at 300 miles drove to VW dealership, they said was an adblue fault. Cleared error been ok since now at 2,600 miles.
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Thanks to Martyn from the AA and VW technical support, conclusion was as suggested from this thread - safe to continue driving and get it checked at dealer.

VW support suggested over filling ad blue can be a reason for the warning light - I haven't added any yet though!
keep us posted with your findings when you book it into VW. =]
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I had the catalytic converter light come on on Friday. Read the posts on this issue yesterday, so thought I’d wait until Monday before calling the dealer. This morning I did a short drive and the adblue warning came on to say I had a range of 650 miles (it previously indicated 5500 miles and I only filled it up 1500 miles ago). I had to go on a longer journey a bit later, so stuck it in sports mode and manual to give it a bit of stick, and 20 minutes later the adblue warning went and the range went back to 5500 miles. Unfortunately the catalytic converter light is still on, so will ring the dealers tomorrow.
Only had it 6 weeks, but maybe my new found relaxed driving style doesn’t agree with it. It’s a 18 plate 204 DSG with 15k miles on the clock. I’ll post back with the diagnosis.
As its under warranty call VW Assist out and they can probably get you sorted faster than a regular booking.