thank you for your reply and photos. We’re the clocks easy enough to remove? I can see how everything else comes out from the other dash I have.I was thinking about doing the same but saw the complete dash and managed to get it for £1500 which I thought was a good price for everything.
I build camper vans for a living and I’ve done a lot of modifications in my time so I thought I’d give it a go.
I’ll take lots of pics and post a separate thread on how it goes. I have a t6 dash that I bought a while back so that will show me where the fixings are at least.
Thank you. That would be really helpful. It lists several numbers on parts link but doesn’t give any info about what controls they’re for. Thanks again.Clocks come out easy enough, can’t remember how but don’t remember anything technical. Couple of T20 torx behind the pop off trim possibly?
As for heater panel surround, I’ll check my parts list tomorrow if I get chance.
That’s great. Thanks for finding that for me.The one I fitted was 7E5 857 212 TA8 Which is 'Structural' colour at the bottom. (brushed aluminium)
Do you have a pic of it?hello all , could anyone direct me to were i could purchase a passenger rear trim in the comfort dash colour structural? as i have one that is damaged. or maybe a supplier of the wrap material itself?
its for the rear panel over the wheel arch.. thanks
I don't. But I will get one.Do you have a pic of it?
this is a great idea! can you upload pics of it open, and what hinges you used? id imagine gently heating it would get a nice curve to it too.View attachment 2373 Hate the open dash compartments on the T6 van
Here's one cheap skate version to fitting a glove box.......
There is a plastic trim (same as the dash material) behind the drivers seat This nearly fits the top opening and only needs a little mod.
Nowhere near as smart as a glove box conversion but hides all that's behind at no cost at all
Hi do you have the part numbers for the hoses?That makes sense, i have the 3 pieces etka shows can you confirm these look correct and elaborate to connections if poss
Anything else required ?
View attachment 12194View attachment 12195View attachment 12196
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