I’ve been to quite a few dead batteries, and used emergency keys hundreds of times. The only time I’ve ever had one not work was when a screw driver had previously been jammed into the barrel.
I’ve never been to a transporter with a flat battery, so can’t say for 100% sure, but needing battery power to unlock the door using the key sounds totally wrong! I used to have a Passat that had a habit of going flat after being stood, and used the emergency key in that a load of times when it was dead, it opened the door just fine so I don’t see why it would be any different here.
If I was presented with this as a break down, and it genuinely wouldn’t open with the key, then I’d be looking to supply power to the starter and unlock via central locking. Failing this, I’d airbag the door open, pull the bonnet and connect onto the battery, but that’s only good if you’ve got a lockout kit.
But I really can’t see it being true that you need battery power to use the mechanical lock, it makes zero sense. There’s a good chance it’s just full of muck and gone tight. Pump it full of WD40 and exercise the lock mechanism and see if it works. There’s always a chance that’s broken if it doesn’t.
Let me know how you get on!
I’ve never been to a transporter with a flat battery, so can’t say for 100% sure, but needing battery power to unlock the door using the key sounds totally wrong! I used to have a Passat that had a habit of going flat after being stood, and used the emergency key in that a load of times when it was dead, it opened the door just fine so I don’t see why it would be any different here.
If I was presented with this as a break down, and it genuinely wouldn’t open with the key, then I’d be looking to supply power to the starter and unlock via central locking. Failing this, I’d airbag the door open, pull the bonnet and connect onto the battery, but that’s only good if you’ve got a lockout kit.
But I really can’t see it being true that you need battery power to use the mechanical lock, it makes zero sense. There’s a good chance it’s just full of muck and gone tight. Pump it full of WD40 and exercise the lock mechanism and see if it works. There’s always a chance that’s broken if it doesn’t.
Let me know how you get on!