Not many German car wash wallahs in the UK.
We don’t clean cars. We give the order?Wir reinigen keine autos. Wir geben die befehle!
I had the same at a Renault main dealer - they sent it to a body shop for a machine polish.Had this on a 3 month old Peugeot after it went in for warranty work. Complained and they had to get it fully machine polished. Turns out several cars that day were affected and valeter sacked. Since then always request no wash please.
I get your point but i wouldn’t say being annoyed that the van looks like it’s had a 360 degree session with a wire wool is being anal.Being in the forces when I was young (Marines) why is the population of the uk being so anal over trivial things. Just give the bill to the dealer who will obviously pay and move on. It’s not
Auschwitz is it not!
Sorry but I’d rather get the problem solved and move on rather than slag off a dealer or whoever that damaged your paint.
After Iraq and Afghan life’s too short to worry about a bit of dirty paint!
Hope you get it sorted ok?
I think we all have more problems with paint now it’s gone water based. Bring back the good ole days of hard solvent based paint!Argue the toss, don't take anything less than a full paint correction!
I bought a Mk2 RS3 back in 2015, and I got chatting to a lad also buying one at the same time. (Were still good mates even though I sold mine years ago)
Anyway, after we took delivery there were a few small issues with both cars. When mine went in I hung a tag on the mirror to say not to wash the car, he unfortunately didn't.
His came back absolutely covered in swirl marks. And like you, he'd just had it detailed and coated. Long story short and after lots of heated arguments he managed to get a completely new car from them, not a stock one, a property ordered in one to his spec.
I really can't understand why dealerships use such shite car washers when nowadays the quality of the products is spot on! Baffles me!
Sorry if you thought I was a bit hard. I apologise for that. Everyone is different. I personally would just explained to the dealer and get it sorted and move on without telling the whole world.
Anyway onwards and upwards, chin chin my old chap. Have a great day mate![]()