Dipstick Reading High


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T6 Guru
Hi Guys, I've read up on this as much as possible before posting this question.

Having checked my van hot and cold the oil level is above the maximum mark as per below

It's difficult to say if the oil is dragging up further as it's pulled out but I suspect it is definitely at at the highest mark at least.

The van was serviced 6k miles ago with filter and oil change, truth is I never checked it after the service or up until now. So it might of been overfilled since then. Or it's the dreaded oil dilution from regens.

I've booked it in immediately for an oil change and new filter, and it won't be driven until then.

My question is, should I sent the old oil away to be checked? If it's oil dilution, how much damage could this of caused in 6k miles? All seems fine with no lights, drives and sounds super smooth. With only 60k on the clock I'm a bit gutted with any premature wear this might of caused the engine as I plan on keeping it a long time.

Ps. Happy New Year
Genuine diesel dilution is unusual on these. Not unheard of, but the case for the prosecution is rarely proven.

Occam's Razor suggests the garage simply rammed up full up to the line.

They're happiest with the level about halfway between the lines, so you'll need to pump out c.500ml, perhaps a touch more.

From there you can monitor it, but I certainly wouldn't be flapping like John Inman in a semaphore class at this stage.
What was billed and what was actually provided won't necessarily bear any relation to one another, particularly it it was pumped in rather than poured from a bottle(s).
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Thanks chaps, I'm in no doubt I'm just worrying over nothing haha

No note of what was put in at the oil change.
Oh that's good news then, is the t6.1 150 a different engine then?. It must of been those I saw having dilution issues.

It depends, some early T6.1 had late T6 engines (MY19). Which interestingly means that MY18 T6 and MY19 T6 sometimes have different engines with same power output. It's the emission control system which makes the difference. Confusing - yes, indeed

The same happened with early T6 - early ones had late T5.1 engines (without AdBlue).
Thanks for that, makes sense now.

Would you say I'm best to just do an oil/filter change to be safe, note the new oil level and monitor it. No need for oil tests etc if dilution issues isn't a big thing with the t6 engine. Most likely just been filled slightly too much during the last service perhaps.

Thanks for that, makes sense now.

Would you say I'm best to just do an oil/filter change to be safe, note the new oil level and monitor it. No need for oil tests etc if dilution issues isn't a big thing with the t6 engine. Most likely just been filled slightly too much during the last service perhaps.

Exactly that.
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