i know why doesnt work 4u ,
You have to added all sensors ID manual and match with each wheel .
so read ID of all your sensors .
go to 65 / adaptation / add ID of your sensor and add which wheel is it . done .
ignition off 10sek and back on
again go to 65 / adaptation / add ID of your next sensor and add which wheel is ..
do that 4 times
so after that your module will c all sensors check picture .
Now do calibration in 65 module / basic settings
i dont have a special tool so i use strong magnet
pickup of list calibration tyle 01 and go to 01 wheel with magnet
30sek , pressure icon will flashing on speedometer click stop
type 02 and go to wheel 02 and do the same .
03 and 04 and go for drive .
i had the same problem
take me few days to fine solution , and now one can help
all people said , that easy , just work strait . (NO DOESN'T ! )
if you have MODULE used or new with new sensors we have to added to each wheel in adaptation .
Do that and will work 4 you.
All the best.