The original VW Discover Media Navigation System (at least older ones) came with a VW 16GB SD card. The latest map update version 1730 Europe – Bundle 1 is too large too fit!
Interestingly the VW DiscoverCare program does not even recognise the problem until the last stage when writing to the SD Card fails!
You can of course select one of the smaller update bundles that contain less countries as these are smaller. However, if like us, you like a single card solution for the whole of Europe, there is a simple way around it:
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Keep your Volkswagen Navigation System up to date. Find updates for the navigation maps to use with your Volkswagen Discover Pro or Discover Media or use the Update Manager DiscoverCare.
Interestingly the VW DiscoverCare program does not even recognise the problem until the last stage when writing to the SD Card fails!
You can of course select one of the smaller update bundles that contain less countries as these are smaller. However, if like us, you like a single card solution for the whole of Europe, there is a simple way around it:
- Download the update as normal.
- Expand/unzip the compressed file to a temporary folder.
- Use a file explorer to navigate to through the folders: maps > 00 > sds.
- The sds folder contains the language packs . You only need the pack for your language(s); e.g. 'GB' for English. The other language sub-folders can be deleted to save space. The larger folders are; DE, ES, FR, IT. Deleting these 4 folders (unless you need them) is sufficient for the current 1730 'Bundle 1' update to fit a 16GB SD Card.
- Copy the remaining contents of the update to your original SD card. (You can find more information in the guide from this forum here: Map Software Update - How We Did It - )