DIY window fitting - clean up


New Member
Can anyone help please, have just 'relatively successfully installed n/s and o/s flush sliding windows.
However, got a couple of things I messed up.
1. Got too much primer on the first window I installed, and from inside it looks a bit s**t.
2. Got a bit of squeeze out of the adhesive out of the bottom of the window, stupidly tried to clean it up, but only managed to smear it about.
My question is, does anyone know how I can clean either or both off. Sadly I think the adhesive issues on the body is going to be too late as it will dry . But hoping someone knows what I can use on the inside of the window.
Any help greatly received.
Sorry I rushed my reply and gave an answer to a question you didn't ask.

Squeeze out can maybe be removed with WD40 and cautiously with a blade when it's gone off. I have squeeze out and I have yet to tackle it. If it's accessible you could maybe get a clay block on it or a toffee wheel?

Sorry mate I feel for you it's bloody horrible stuff and so easy to get everywhere but where you want it.

Try not to worry about the primer unsightliness you can mask it or distract from it with interior trim or decor. I believe window pods frame the exterior sills so might mask it off?

Good luck and don't give up!
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Cheers Badjamin, am going to give that a try. Unfortunately it's on the bottom edge so can't get to if because of the body line.
Should of got a black van, white is the absolute worst for highlighting the mistake.
Got to look at the positives though, second window I did went very well.
Haven't driven it yet though:oops: so hopefully they don't fall out.
Cheers Badjamin, am going to give that a try. Unfortunately it's on the bottom edge so can't get to if because of the body line.
Should of got a black van, white is the absolute worst for highlighting the mistake.
Got to look at the positives though, second window I did went very well.
Haven't driven it yet though:oops: so hopefully they don't fall out.
Well I reckon you might find a white van more forgiving in this instance, You could possibly rake out the squeeze out to a reasonable depth, potentially all the way back til you hit the paint, mask of the window edge and the swage line edge really thoroughly and then use a bit of touch up paint? or maybe take a fine bead of white sealant along it? if you set it deep enough it should look invisible hopefully survive any UV discoloration also... Or you can try a grout pen after raking it out? Worth looking into these or similar options. Maybe if you do use the above ideas other than touch up paint you should do a test patch somewhere to check how the colour looks. Obviously don't fill under your drain holes ha!