Do you value Your Privacy?

or any social media.
or a mobile phone.

bearing in mind of course that the tech companies already have this info, so your 'privacy' isn't really private anyway.
If privacy is a concern you wouldn't be using Apple products anyway.
I do not use apple but it matter little what system one uses and was lectured way back by my farther about conversations on the telephone he built telephone exchanges including some security sensitive sites such as Filingdale not sure of spelling but the biggest privacy concerning telephone was the change from Strowger to Digital. Most TV sets can be eavesdropped through these days also but that is not particularly new.
If you are concerned about privacy you need, in digital terms, to "eat like an elephant, shit like a mouse".
That is incredibly hard to do in the 21st Century.
You are of course correct I carry all of my waste products home to reduce my profile! :D