Door latch loom switched negative?


New Member
Hi all.
I have bought some vw puddle lights for my 2019 T6 and according to the instructions I need to connect the negative side, via a supplied relay to the brown switched negative wire on the door latch loom. The problem is the cable has a constant current so the light won't switch off when the door is closed. I checked the other cables in the loom and they all have permanent currents when the door is shut. Any ideas?
Did you contact the person you bought them from?
Search with ‘puddle lights’, I’m pretty sure there was a similar if not identical post on the Forum not long back.
Hi all.
I have bought some vw puddle lights for my 2019 T6 and according to the instructions I need to connect the negative side, via a supplied relay to the brown switched negative wire on the door latch loom. The problem is the cable has a constant current so the light won't switch off when the door is closed. I checked the other cables in the loom and they all have permanent currents when the door is shut. Any ideas
Switched -ve is brown /red. Just brown is constant-ve
Did you contact the person you bought them from?
Search with ‘puddle lights’, I’m pretty sure there was a similar if not identical post on the Forum not long back.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found the answer in one of the posts