Ecoflow Flexi panels for pop-top


I would like to mount 2 or 3 solar panels on pop-top. Bolt them to c-rails, on some alu profiles. My roof has 'stylish' grooves that complicate "silkaflexing" it down + I'd rather have the option to remove them on demand.

There are existing solutions for that, but It seems easy enough to DIY. Has anyone managed to do such thing? I'm asking only for the mounting, how tough will it be, etc.

This is the panel I want - EcoFlow 100W Flexible Solar Panel
Example alu profile I consider - DIY PROFILES
Wiring initially to be passed on the back through the seals, maybe later thing of hiding it better.

The panels would then hook up to river or delta.

Example commercial products
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If you are not bonding them down you'd be better off mounting rigid panels.

The general feedback in forum threads seem to suggest that the flexible panels have a lower lifetime as they seem to delamination earlier.

A forum member had a very neat low profile DIY mount with aluminium profiles, will try and remember who...
The problem with rigid is that I have already lifted suspension and I have approx 3cm left before I start scratching the roof in the garage.

Delamination could be an issue, just havent seen ecoflow do that (but havent looked)
This was the thread I was thinking of, with @CJW using Z channel to mount solid panels very low on the roof bars, there are some other potentially useful ideas too

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The advantage of doing something like the Solar Camper approach (which I really like as a design) is that when they fail it's a much easier change than if you had them bonded.

If you compare the warranty period for reasonable branded flexible Vs solid you'll see a difference - flexible tends to be in the 3 year region, solid roof mount designs for house solar can be up to 20 years.

Remember that flexible panels will have the junction box on the top rather than behind - that could well eat in to your 3cm clearance?
Yes, Solar Camper design is what I'd like to achieve. Just by eyeballing, the junction box should fit in that 3cm gap. The rigid ones are tempting but for sure they wont have anything to spare - EcoFlow 100W Rigid Solar Panel (2 pieces) are exactly 3cm :/

Just looking for someone who actually put flex panels on alu profiles, without bonding to the roof.

Worst case a portable setup will have to do
After 2 failed flexi panels, I went rigid (ooer matron) Would it not be possible to mount rigid panels so that they are "underslung" from the C rails so that the panels sit flush with the top of the rails. We have a 30mm lift kit on the suspension & can still squeeze under a 2.1m barrier.

@Salty Spuds I'm sorry, might have used wrong terminology. I dont have roof railings as @CJW, I have flat rail, which I believe is called c-rail - just as on the Solar Camper photos. So for me putting extra railings is taking the car height over the limit. 2.1 is 210 so you get extra 10 :D My garage is officially rated 2m but there are places (the gate) that are 197cm hence the problem.

I looked up more and read more about flex panels and yes, rigid would be better if only I could find one that would be thin enough.
@Salty Spuds I'm sorry, might have used wrong terminology. I dont have roof railings as @CJW, I have flat rail, which I believe is called c-rail - just as on the Solar Camper photos. So for me putting extra railings is taking the car height over the limit. 2.1 is 210 so you get extra 10 :D My garage is officially rated 2m but there are places (the gate) that are 197cm hence the problem.

I looked up more and read more about flex panels and yes, rigid would be better if only I could find one that would be thin enough.
Ahh! right, I see your problem.
Deflate your tyres to 10psi so you can drive in and out of the garage? That's got to be worth a couple of cm!