I think that’s brilliant. My wife thinks you’re mad.

I wasn't meaning to offend by it. I only know the roof exists because it in my "VW dream folder".

Hell bud. No offence taken at all.. take more than that.! Tiss a great looking T5.. hope you see my point on being the bed board.. many companies have done this but have yet to see the actual roof ceiling done..due to limited space.. again could be wrong.
Anyway.. back to this pile of rubbish.. :whistle:

Last bit for tailgate this week.. then up to @StudleyGlass for some bespoke awesomeness with a tint of etching..
Insurance renewal time..
So have been working towards an 'agreed valuation'.. very difficult proceeding.

Also made some enquiries today for an independent inspection/valuation of how the van stands today. £100.00 fee for mechanical and structural assesment with insurance grade(?) Valuation.

Where to value Bert now is very difficult..
Purchase + investment - depreciation = ?
Market value for a HL Kombi - ?
Resale value -?.

TbH alittle deflated with it all...much harder than antisipated.
Insurance renewal time..
So have been working towards an 'agreed valuation'.. very difficult proceeding.

Also made some enquiries today for an independent inspection/valuation of how the van stands today. £100.00 fee for mechanical and structural assesment with insurance grade(?) Valuation.

Where to value Bert now is very difficult..
Purchase + investment - depreciation = ?
Market value for a HL Kombi - ?
Resale value -?.

TbH alittle deflated with it all...much harder than antisipated.

I've never understood why you can't put your own valuation on your vehicle and the insurance company then charge you a premium according to that agreed value. Obviously they won't accept a ridiculous over valuation but surely a higher value equals a higher premium. Thats good business for Insurance companies as people like yourself who have put in so much work and effort into turning your van into something special, are a lot more likely to look after it than the idiot getting his Mercedes washed in Sainsburys thereby making you a much lower risk.
Insurance companies are missing a trick here.
Electrical guru's. @Pauly @Loz @travelvolts
Currently running a combination of ctek, CBE and victron on an AGM battery.
Can I add a dedicated victron lithium charger from a new underslung battery? Keeping the existing AGM charger and smart pass for B1 and B2