Twenty six days here and the longest we've ever gone anywhere on holiday, should be a proper stress test for the marriage
Saying that the turnaround point is near Lourdes so hoping we'll be able to see where they filmed Belle and Sebastien and see if we have a miracle and my hair returns.
Quite a few stops starting near Mont St- Michel and taking in La Rochelle, Biarritz, Arcachon... there's more but the boss has the running order and I'm barely making sense with 23 days to go.
Have a great trip @True Romance and don't break any of the showers incase we stay at the same site... ooh, bog rolls there's a thought or adult nappies.

Saying that the turnaround point is near Lourdes so hoping we'll be able to see where they filmed Belle and Sebastien and see if we have a miracle and my hair returns.
Quite a few stops starting near Mont St- Michel and taking in La Rochelle, Biarritz, Arcachon... there's more but the boss has the running order and I'm barely making sense with 23 days to go.
Have a great trip @True Romance and don't break any of the showers incase we stay at the same site... ooh, bog rolls there's a thought or adult nappies.