French questions...

I suppose its obvious but take some loo roll cuz some of the loo's dont have any ...oh and some dont have seats either!
You may even find one of these -
Where I used to work they actually installed a ‘starting blocks’ style toilet (also known as a long drop in our house).

Having quite a high proportion of Muslim employees we kept getting broken toilet seats! To stop this and prevent any accidents the company installed one (after an investigation)

They also installed foot a washing station as people were washing them in the sinks (before prayer)!
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We only found the one of these loo's in a little village on the way back to the tunnel earlier this year . It was quite novel ( the missus was horrified) and it was very clean which was more of a shock .
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Where I used to work they actually installed a ‘starting blocks’ style toilet (also known as a long drop in our house).

Having quite a high proportion of Muslim employees we kept getting broken toilet seats! To stop this and prevent any accidents the company installed one (after an investigation)

They also installed foot a washing station as people were washing them in the sinks (before prayer)!
Was the foot wash station not for the people that didn’t know to open the door and get on the other side of it before flushing?
Where I used to work they actually installed a ‘starting blocks’ style toilet (also known as a long drop in our house).
Which is why you occasionally come across some complete messes on Western loos that make you wonder « how on earth could you have done that »
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Adult nappies it is if I see one of those shower tray type bogs.
Not quite a mess but I swear somebody had left a mahogany chair leg propping the lid slightly open when we stopped at Malvern in March, must have quite literally torn themselves a new...
@Stay Frosty one other thing to mention is the French driving on A roads/tolls. They will drive right up your backside, this is perfectly normal behaviour so don't get into road rage. You'll soon get use to it :)
@Stay Frosty one other thing to mention is the French driving on A roads/tolls. They will drive right up your backside, this is perfectly normal behaviour so don't get into road rage. You'll soon get use to it :)
Then they overtake and slow down, repeat

Also perfectly normal it seems :D
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I don't know if its been mentioned before but the French are red-hot on speed cameras and they are often in unmarked cars, certainly there are no warning signs like we have, cameras can be on round poles but no box like ours.
Also villages don't have speed restriction signs at the entry, a village name sign with a red border means the normal speed limit is 50kph (30mph) the end of the limit is the village name sign with a diagonal line through it.
Slightly off topic as always but why am I going to France, this the view from our park bench in Harrold, Bedfordshire right now...
View attachment 242001
its nice there isn't it, my doggo loves a lap of the country park...we normally go midweek though, to avoid the crowds. you probably heard us as santapod today from there!?

oh, not forgotten about the cable, day job has been flat out and working this weekend also..will likely to be tues or friday next week, as i dont currently have any work in those day
Funny you should mention the Pod, sounded like they had at least one jet car there too!
I think the noise of the drag strip and the amount of noughts in the house prices would be the only thing to stop me looking for a property near the river in Harrold, very nice!
If you're at home Tuesday Garry I could drop by and get more holiday clobber from Primark at Rushden Lakes too?
@cgtmiles Nothing wrong with Luton Airport long stay carpark ie the one that didn't catch fire, but home here is Northampton, we haven''t even got a proper bus station.:confused:
Funny you should mention the Pod, sounded like they had at least one jet car there too!
yeah, Fireforce was running today along with Oklahoma Willy.

Fortunately (for me) the prevailing wind is towards pod from my house, I dare say I'm probably closer than Harrold but dont hear it normally here, but they seem to cop it out that way.

let me know when you plan to head over to the lakes, I've got a few things i need to do/go but i should be able to sort something out even if I swing past and meet you there