@CRD.....that is something I've thought about a lot. There's no logic to it....now, I'm not an engineer so I'll probably get shot down in flames but.....how can it be that two vehicles that have come down the same production line....manufactured to the same tolerances can be so different? But then, could you not extend that argument to some degree to the fact that you can get huge differences in reliability in two machines that are made with the same components?
My first question would be, do you trust the MFD readout? Are you checking your consumption manually? I've banged on about this but my MFD was, until recently, a total work of fiction.....so I won't go through all that again!! If it's not the Multi Fantasy Display reading over, then my next thoughts would be....how was the vehicle "run in" and then, how is it being driven and on what roads? I try quite hard with mine....150 kombi manual on 17" Devonports but lined out. I'm averaging 40 to 42 mpg. I have seen a genuine 60 mpg.....okay, okay....I was being pushed up the A1 in the recent high winds! My inclination is to think that on two similar vans on similar roads, it has to be mainly down to driving style??? Right....I'm off to get my tin helmet!