Ghost immobiliser worth it? who is reputable to do the install?


New Member
Hi guys

I get my T6.1 van in April and I am wanting to install the best security I can. I had heard good things about Ghost, however when I started trying to find someone who could potentially install it for me, every company seemed to have some pretty dodgy reviews on Trustpilot.

Is Ghost worth it in terms of reliability and no issues?
Who would you recommend to install it?
What is the best alternative to Ghost?

More info on security here.

Hi all, keep seeing the odd story of problems seemingly caused by Ghost installation, ( spurious electrical faults etc). Also keen to hear opinion on VW warranty and impact Ghost may have on it. Seems pretty murky from the installers POV. Thoughts anyone?
As I am in the industry, I hear loads about the horrors that improper Ghost installs cause. The "TASSA Authorised Ghost Installer" tag is worthless. Autowatch created the TASSA scheme to bleed more money from the installers to get approved. That's why you see car wash installers. No, really.

If it's installed correctly and adequately covert then it's good. But, the Scorpion X Series is just as good, has better resistance to tamper bypass and is made by a Thatcham approved company (albeit the X Series itself isn't Thatcham approved but neither is the Ghost).

Either option will add a layer of security to your van but take it from someone that isn't financially influenced by either company, I would sooner fit a Scorpion X Series to my vehicles.
Any recommendations for ghost 2 installation Preston area?
2nd @Dav-Tec even if he is not based near you it’s well worth the trip to get a ghost fitted professionally.