God damn cat

My cats have totally different characters, one hates humans and the other thinks he is a dog, follows you, sits on you, lets you stroke him anywhere and if you go to the shops he comes with you.
My cats have totally different characters, one hates humans and the other thinks he is a dog, follows you, sits on you, lets you stroke him anywhere and if you go to the shops he comes with you.
So the cat is a cat, cos they all hate humans. And the one that you think is a cat is actually a dog. Have you been to specsavers recently?:rofl:
F0753A88-0F75-48B0-8C95-6B4EC3735A89.jpeg D4AF4337-B146-4F37-8F12-0484B0DB8FB7.jpeg Me, dog person, brought up with them, now have a 2 yr old staffi cross. He doesn’t understand when my wife’s cats won’t play. That said, having had a neighbour’s cat strip a regular blackbird visitor to my garden of its feathers, all my previous staffis have had orders to see off wandering felines. Barney is much more tolerant....not totally though!!!
Don’t hate cats, I fact I love all animals.

I just think that if you are going to take on the responsibility of owning a pet, then be responsible. Don’t abrogate that responsibility to the animal, “well they are instinctively wild and like to be out at night”
You wouldn’t leave a cocker spaniel to wander around the streets at night, jumping on bonnets or crapping on lawns, in fact has anyone seen a cat owner pick up after their pet??

Often a local cat appears in my garden, crapping away and stalking birds by the feeder.

I’m thinking of handing it in at the FURTHEST police station!

Off soapbox and breathe..
Cats are vermin, if a dog is loose in the street it will get taken away as a stray but cats are free to go anywhere they like, pick through (read destroy) people's bins etc and kill things for fun at will, makes no sense

If they are loose round them up and send them to the glue factory

Devils advocate here (not a bloody cat lover for sure, will explain why in a sec...) a cat is only recognised as 'feral' if it doesnt have a collar. So there you go, this cat in the pic looks like a feral beastie... meaning, you can take 'measures to protect property or live stock'. Which leads nicely to my reason for not liking cats........

I used to have chickens at me old gaff. They were Road Island Reds and a few Black Rocks. Roadies for constant large eggs and Blackies for hearty eggs and for eating (if you're interested.... ) anyways, here was this bloody cat stalking my chickens every morning when they were in the run. My chickens stopped laying regular eggs and sometimes damaged eggs while the cat was around because they were frightened by said cat. No collar seen and it was a large tom cat. I took 'measures' to get rid of the cat (fake cat things in the garden, a silent noise thingy, a can of spray stuff that the pet said would definately work......) all to no avail. After weeks of no regular eggs and the death of 2 of my Blackies, I took 'measures' to protect my chickens........

Bloody cats.
Both my cats dont have collars lol

Heard horror stories of them getting caught on things and given my furry buddies are part of the family I decided to not bother. Both are chipped.
Both my cats dont have collars lol

Heard horror stories of them getting caught on things and given my furry buddies are part of the family I decided to not bother. Both are chipped.
If the chips aren't visible down the sights of an air rifle I'm not sure they be all that effective.

We've got a dog, she's soft as sh1t but I just about managed to to teach her to chase cats from the back garden, front gravel is now covered in 1s and 2s instead! Grrrr