H4 Headlamp Bulb Upgrade

You forgot to mention the LED bulbs are illegal. I’m no angel but if you dazzle an oncoming car and it’s determined to have caused a serious accident the sh*t will rain down.
Not being funny but how about the scenario where instead of blinding every other poor driver out there I use the switch on the dash to motor down the headlamps saving the world from yet another end of the world scenario?

In my self righteous world I'm a safer driver with brighter H4 headlights, at the very least I should be able to see what I'm potentially going to hit, rather than plough on blindly.
I'm looking to upgrade my standard H4 headlights, which are dismally dim. I've a 2017 T6 campervan. From the forum, the Transporter HQ LED DRL V2 headlamp units look great but a bit too pricey. I see that the just changing the bulbs to Osram H4 Nightbreaker should give 150% light output at a fraction of the cost. Anyone got experience of this and would I have issues with warning lights on the dashboard, or not passing the MOT etc? If not, it looks like a viable alternative for about £25 instead of £450 ++ for new lamps?

I’ve just fitted these. Like comments above still great but are definitely brighter and whiter. Good on full beam but for me just a stop gap until I get i hold of some THQ V3
Not being funny but how about the scenario where instead of blinding every other poor driver out there I use the switch on the dash to motor down the headlamps saving the world from yet another end of the world scenario?

In my self righteous world I'm a safer driver with brighter H4 headlights, at the very least I should be able to see what I'm potentially going to hit, rather than plough on blindly.
If they weren't aligned and adjusted properly or didn't have a satisfactory beam pattern you shouldn't / wouldn't have got through the MOT. Main beam isn't such a worry because in theory oncoming cars shouldn't be getting an eyeful of your main beam.
I have H4 standard bulbs. I would like to upgrade the bulbs for better vision without having to change out while unit. Can people recommend a good reliable upgrade please. Thanks

So, you want the best performance you can get from your H4 headlights without changing the actual headlights themselves.
Your options are:
Something like Osram Nightbreakers, cheap and better than standard, but not great. On the plus side they're legal and MOT safe. And cheap. They may not last as long as your standard bulbs.

Or something like these LED's, which are cheap, very bright, great light output, but not MOT safe or legal on UK roads, even if lots of people do use them. The beam pattern is not going to be as good as an incandescent lamp that the reflector was designed to be used with, you may dazzle other drivers. Various brands available.

I tried both options and ended up buying Transporter HQ headlights because it seemed to me that it was the only way I could get satisfactory lights.
Use the search button at the top right and you will find many different options tried by many different people and a variety of opinions.
Philips Extreme vision Pro 150

Best performance for full 12 months warranty.
Hello i am trying to upgrade all my head light bulbs to led, However the main head light bulbs seem to have a very small bulb next to the H4 bulbs. I can't for the life of me find out what this bulb is!
If anyone knows what type of bulb this is would be a great help


See attached


  • T6-Lights.pdf
    125.5 KB · Views: 58
I may be wrong but I don’t think you should replace H4s with LEDs. Fairly shore packaging will say ‘off road use only’
I may be wrong but I don’t think you should replace H4s with LEDs. Fairly shore packaging will say ‘off road use only’

Thanks for the suggestion, I have actually ordered some H4's, should arrive tomorrow, fingers crossed. These are the ones i am thinking of (see photos) and can't figure out what they are thinking maybe 501 w,5w from the pdf (thanks for this) This one.jpg
has anyone tried this upgrade bulb kit?

has anyone tried this upgrade bulb kit?

It doesn't matter what bulbs you put in the H4 headlights, you'll never get good light output, they're just rubbish. I tried several extra bright bulbs, the improvement was tiny.
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I kicked this around for a bit, finally I went for these £21.99 from Amazon, not enough money to be terribly upset if they were nothing special, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised, it’s a tough one as 200% of next to nothing is still not much, but for only 21:99 it’s ok. I have spent more and been less impressed, sure they are not LED’s they are still rubbish lights, but not as bad as they used to be.
