@RedUn keep that £63 where it belongs as what a ballache these not so super LEDs have proved to be... basically a good chunk of the day wasted as well as £63.
What's wrong with the Novsight H4 lamp?... well the fan is a big old lump so more butchery to the access caps, then you have the problem that these things have a driver about the same size as an HID lamp driver/matchbox... that's not goping to tuck into the back of the headlight shell so now you've got to have an exit through the access cap for the flex from the lamp and the flex to the driver both of which are about 40mm long as supplied

so will need extending and some then sort of stuffing gland to waterproof the exit from the butchered access cap to these external components.
There's more, the pattern from the headlight was quite distinct with a reasonable hot spot and horizontal lines either side so promising for daylight however while the Canbus wasn't tripped by low or high beam it did latch on the dash display if you tried flashing the main beam and then stayed on until the ignition was reset, now the best bit and something I would reccommend trying before pretty well any further thud and blunder and that's starting the engine then turning on the lights, engine off I couldn't wait to see what these monsters were going to look like later in the dark, start the engine though and the bloddy things flicker like a poorly regulated Chinese moped headlight, utter shite.
I'm not sure if the problem is to do with VWs smart charging system but I'll take a lamp out warning from a pair of £19.99 LED lamps over £63 strobe lights any day, did I mention I'm a bit underwhelmed, going to try them in the Daihatsu as that's got a more conventional old school electrical system, if it's the same nonsense I'll try and get my money back and obviously keep singing their praises.