I did my journey to work last night and managed to pull off the footage from my nextbase dashcam. Annoyingly the camera doesn't really do the headlight justice. The throw is much better than the footage suggests as sadly the camera hasn't picked much up from long distance. However here is the comparison from H4 main beam (top) with H7 main beam after coding (bottom)
NB. These lights are still to be aligned properly at an MOT testing station.
Overall I'm really pleased with this upgrade. IMO the lights are much better than the H4's offering better throw and spread and the DRL's offer a much cleaner look. Once again big thanks to @Pauly for all of his guidance. Thanks to @.50 for spotting the main beam dipped beam issue with the H7 and thanks to all of you for your input into the thread and any questions and answers in other threads that helped with this journey.
Well done Ed and Pauly.
It is down to the efforts of guys like you that all these cool upgrades come to be easily available to everyone.
I will be upgrading to the twin reflector units soon.
Looks great! So where does one get these lights along with the program? I'll DIY if you gents have a how to?
Looks great! So where does one get these lights along with the program? I'll DIY if you gents have a how to?
The lights can be purchased from the forum shop. I purchased mine from there and the service is A1. I like to think this thread could act as a how to, if you do get stuck with anything any question will get answered relatively quickly.
I spoke to the dealer today and he said the h4 are three pins and the h7 are two pins. Does this mean the two pins used are the correct ones or is a modification required. Just before I hit buy on the forum shop......
No modification required. I just unplugged the H4 and plugged in the H7 easy as changing a lightbulb. @Pauly should be able to confirm for reassurance before you purchase.
Yes they are a straight swap, your dealer is talking about the lamps themselves one is 2 pin and one is 3 pin but both headlights connect with the same 10 pin plug and are identical in shape/size/fixings etc

New H7 headlights fitted. Great service from the shop and @Pauly when I ordered too much stuff.

What are the best bulb upgrades that people have done, Osram or Phillips?

Need someone in Scotland with coding ability for the main beam and full beam code. Can travel also as I’m heading to Nottingham over Christmas time.
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New H7 headlights fitted. Great service from the shop and @Pauly when I ordered too much stuff.

What are the best bulb upgrades that people have done, Osram or Phillips?

Need someone in Scotland with coding ability for the main beam and full beam code. Can travel also as I’m heading to Nottingham over Christmas time.

I have VCDS just off M6 junction 36 @drew_greenday if you want to give the codeing ago at some point. Going to try and do the upgrade myself within the next couple of months.
Anyone seen the HIKARI LED Headlight upgrades for H7? They look impressive!
H7 were specked on my van, absolutely fine.....it’s a van not a Veyron.
To be honest I question the need for leds unless you really are travelling at speed, but my view is currently jaundiced by having been blinded by some to**er* recently when in the car and van, and its even worse on the bike. Not a fan currently....there should be stricter enforcement of wrongly adjusted lights....rant over.
If you live out in the sticks like me, where the roads are narrow and windy with deep drainage ditches either side and the possibility of a large animal leaping into the road, they are invaluable. My car’s LED lights illuminate everything really well, but if I’m in the van it is genuinely nerve-wracking, I tend to hope that there is a car behind me so I can use their lights as any illumination from my H4s can barely be seen.

I was hoping that someone would bring out some reasonably priced aftermarket LED headlights for the T6 but it is looking as if that’s not going to happen, presumably for legal/regulatory reasons. If I’ve still got the van next winter I think it’s going to have to be an H7 upgrade.
Or I might just put these in...
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900W :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Either this is the biggest exaggeration ever or these are the first headlights you can only use on mains hookup :D
135000 lumens, that is around 100000 times brighter than the LED spotlight bulbs in my bathroom ceiling! Reckon someone’s been to the footballer school of over-exaggeration.
Im thinking I'll upgrade the headlights to the L7 and put LED's in the Main beam. I've seen some impressive reviews on the LED's in projector headlights. I'll just keep the normal Halogens in the Dipped beam to save dazzling cars.
everbody hi!
h7 how to activate short and long headlamps? with the computer? or with cables?
thanks in advance
very thanks. Do you recommend this upgrade? because there is limited my money. Do you have a little more improvement in my headlights? I'm always on a long trip. 4-5 thousand kilometers per month. I just want to see better. I also use philips h4 racing vision. I wonder about your ideas?
Do you recommend this upgrade? because there is limited my money. Do you have a little more improvement in my headlights? I'm always on a long trip. 4-5 thousand kilometers per month. I just want to see better. I also use philips h4 racing vision. I wonder about your ideas?