Help setting up a Victron 50 dc to dc charger

The van has stood for a couple of weeks and seven and 15 plots could be off hook up and not driving.
separate issue. . . but whats going on here?

why is the battery monitor showing 0% SOC?

what battery have you got? - any pics?

battery voltage of 13.3v defo instant empty.

@Dellmassive I’ve driven across to north Wales mostly motorway and dual carriageway doing 70 mph checked my starter battery monitor when we arrived and it said battery low power 12.51 volts. My van bits battery master was still showing a red led saying the battery needed more instead of a green led saying charged.
Does this look right?

Looks good to me.

12.5v is very healthy, an fully charged.

Ignore the low battery from the bm2, you can tell the settings to adjust that.
Eureka I’ve finally sorted my Victron xs 50 dc charger I have tried with others help to get it sorted but it was hit and miss sometimes I got 28 amps out of it set at 50 amp other times just a couple of amps and the last few days it wasn’t working at all, and the Victron app said shutdown because of low input voltage.
So yesterday I installed a 12 volt trigger wire from the T6.1 fuse box but it made no difference, this morning I started the engine and it was reading 28 amps so I thought good I can live with that I turned the engine off and then back on again and the app read .5 of an amp and low input voltage again.
I checked the trigger wire and it read 14 volts, I checked the leisure battery supply and 13. something volts, I checked the starter battery supply to the unit and bingo 9 volts showing I started the engine and this reading fluctuated between 9 and 13.2 volts, so I checked under the bonnet and the reading from the earth screwed to the bulkhead and the battery positive was 9 volts.
I removed the earth connection and fastened it to the battery negative and Eureka the Victron app read 45 amps charging the lithium batteries,
I know that you shouldn’t fasten the earth wire to the battery negative but until I find a suitable earth point I’ll leave it there for the time being.
Hi guys
Can you recommend a basic volt meter for dummies, that I can buy off Amazon, cost isn’t the issue, just not over complicated.
After 4 months of working fine, our Orion xs has stopped charging the battery so want to check starter battery etc,
Here is the message from the app, maybe it could be a bad earth like John, I’ve turned the charger off via the app until I find the issue
@Green Giant whatever you do DON’T connect the earth to the starter battery as I did, as it caused more problems for me as the starter battery monitoring system thought the battery was fully charged and our van broke down with a flat battery and the AA had to come out to us and he couldn’t understand why no charge was going to the starter battery and the alternator was working fine. When I explained to him he had never heard of no other wires to the earth terminal.
So I found a new earth point and charger has worked exemplary since then, but then I found quite a few faults on my dash which I cleared with Carista but have lost the warning display when travelling to near another vehicle which I have to sort out, all this is with attaching the Orion earth lead to the starter battery.
What gauge cables?

Post some pics of setup.

Was it running at 50A all the time?

Possibly a burned fuse/holder or connector.