Hi I'm Solow Suspension, here to help.

Thanks. I haven't purchased the yet as the 17" steels are out of stock. However there are 18" steels in stock so am interested in your experience. I had assumed that 18" would not give me sufficient cushioning effect, hence drive for 17".

Can I ask what wheels and tyres you use and how you find the ride?

I'm on 'Not So Lows', not 'So Lows' so I guess my van is probably higher than yours? Mine is at the highest drop of 65mm (although front is a little lower).

I don't suppose you have a photo to hand (comfort and practicality is my main thrust but I would like the van to look good too)?
Im running banded Amaroks on 255-45 18" load rated to 103 tyres. Drop is at the highest point of the Solows so 100mm down.
Ride is a million times better than the OEM stuff that was on there.


Thanks. That looks OK. As my van is 40mm higher I have more space above the wheels. If the ride is not harsh with the 18s and the tyres are unbothered by potholes maybe I'll give them a go. At least they are in stock. These seems to be my options:

Wheel: Tuff Torque Modular Steel Wheel 18" x 8" ET40 Black: £116 inc.
Tyre: 255/45R18 Falken EuroAll Season AS220 PRO All-Season 103W Tyre: £161.49 inc.
Speedo error 0.45%. Poke (over stock 17"): 23mm.

Wheel: Tuff Torque Modular Steel Wheel 17" x 8" ET40 Black: £100 inc. VAT
Tyre: 235/55R17 Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 SUV All-Season 103Y Tyre: £134.99 inc.
Speedo error negligent. Poke (over stock 17"): 23.5mm.

VW Camper NSL top setting.jpg
Thank you for the info. Interesting to hear. I am in that early “wheel size research!!” phase and was looking for 19’s tbh, but like happens, am now considering 17’s & 18’ also!
I have 19s and CRS suspension on a camper
The it’s low (a little too low) and the ride is good but I’d swap the wheels for those 18” banded steels shared above any day!