High Revs At Idle, Not A Regen

Northern Monkey

Senior Member
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T6 Legend
Pretty much as the title says my van was idling at 1000 rpm last night. Thought nothing about it thinking it was just a regen, still doing it as I got to work this morning 40min commute mostly motorway miles.

Was still doing it as I got home tonight :( same journey so I called vw assist came out no faults so he did a forced regen sorted the high revs out just been to pick the misses up from work and it’s doing it again.
It’s definitely not a regen the stop start kicks in and when I turn the engine off there’s no fan running.

Waiting for vw assist to come out and have another look it’s been pretty nippy up here -2 and not really got above freezing question is could it be just a case of the cold and the rpms are up?
we get increased rpm of about 950-1000 in the morning when its cold.

it seems to stay high until the van warms up a bit,

increased rpms will also be caused by a high demand on electrical power, ie heated seats, heated windscreen, aux heater, heated mirrors, AC etc etc.

rpms are directly controlled buy the engine ECU according to the ECU map and external sensors like air/oil temp, power demand, engine load, battery charge level.

If there are no faults showing then its prob just normal for that particular moment in time.

keep us posted with VW Assist assessment.
ABAFD1B5-6F42-44A7-912C-4D070B5597D5.jpeg Well just got back in and a fault has been flagged :( was told to phone vw and have a chat to them about it as there was nothing he could do or go into to investigate further.
Wow, what is it doing in transport mode, easily switched off in vcds. Did they forget to do that in the PDI or is this a bogus fault?
Not sure mate funny as it wasn’t there when the first guy checked for faults, switched the engine on and it was running at normal revs was showing 3c went for a run when the vw fella had shot off and as soon as it hit 0c the revs went back to a 1000 it’s wired for sure!
Well see what tomorrow brings when I phone VW, we are on first name terms lol I’ve been there that often!
It's normal. My van sits at 1000rpm currently as it's so cold. Even after a day off full driving.

Regens also take longer in the cold. Mine did a full 30 mile Regen yesterday, started when I left work area, finished when I got into home town.
Well I’m not on my own then :) just doesn’t seem common as no one else has mentioned it on the forum part from you.
Today temps was 2.5c no high revs I’m just going to put it down to the cold temps we’ve been having.
The vans due it’s inspection soon I’ll just mention it when I take it in for that.
Be interesting to see if it comes back when the temps dip below 0c.
Heres me today.

0624hrs 0.0dec first start idle @950rpm


with charge voltage of 15.0v . . . . .



20mins later with a warm engine RPM`s still @ 950rpm


volts still high . . . . . .


then . . . . . . one hour later, still the same.


some electrical loads were on at the start, like.

elec windscreen,
elect heated mirrors,
heated seats.

but by 30mins later all had warmed up and and been switched off, so just heater blower was on, stage 1.

so the BMS (battery management system) or Energy monitor along with the ECU are deciding what to do best with the engine RPM and alternator load.
Started mine this morning and revs were normal and not fraction high as per cold start. It is very hot so is this normal?
I've noticed mine sit just under 1000rpm when it's nearing 30° outside like today, it's not doing a regen and it does it with aircon on or off
@Dellmassive is it something normal? I’ve just come across this topic having the same issue high rpm 976. Voltage 14.82. No faults on the scanner. Soot level is low. A regen took place 15 miles ago. It’s -1°C outside.
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Yes. When my engine is cold at first start in morning the revs are higher to aid warmup and help the alternator with high electrical loads

Then will drop down when engine warms a bit.

You can select oil temp on dash display.

It starts to read from 50degc and up.
Thanks for your reply. Sorry I’ve just noticed that @Northern Monkey was actually the topic starter. I’m having the same ‘issue’ like he described in his first post. I’ll alter my question to draw his attention

@Northern Monkey is it something normal? I’ve just come across this topic having the same issue high rpm 976 on a hot engine. Voltage 14.82. No faults on the scanner. Soot level is low. Regen took place 15 miles ago. It’s -1°C outside.
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