I am always suspicious with the on line version of anything. I am a regular Guardian reader I used to buy and read the Broadsheet versions. Living here makes that all but imposable I would need to drive some distance to find a news agent that may or may not hold that sort of paper and post, well that would be a joke. We are supposed to get daily post but I think it is not even every other day and in any case it would be wet though. We have lived here quite a while and have seen so many changes like lack of proper line clearances for electricity and telephone very fortunate to have either electricity some time 1960's and phone some time later. Was told 20 or 30 years ago electricity would be not done for less that the house was worth a colossal figure . The phone line for many years just draped along the ground close to a hedge always going down. any way hat is digressing. Again. The printed guardian appears somewhat different to the on line versions. Of course it can be updated as events happen. Usually faster then the BBC but its the smaller articles, often poorly written out, spelling mistakes one might have thought I wrote them. Many smaller pieces are not properly referenced and seem very un-Guardian like as if written by a junior or lay reporter. In fact over recent years I wondered if some other agency had free space or had a way of dropping things in. (read government) The insurance article is not comprehensive, obviously their is a lot missing and it allows the reader to speculate and fill in the missing bits, could even be a commercially led piece written by someone other than a Guardian writer. The Independent also went down hill on line comparatively before dropping right down sice going on line only it is no where near what it was. When online papers where free and easy to read Ii would read most of the broad sheet but near impossible now but one thing I notice was the standards between the paper one once held up high to read is very different to the on line version.The article is interesting. The feller suggests he'd merely thrown some camping gear in the back, yet the reply from the Guardian states it was a partial camper conversion with solar, heater and kitchen.
If he can't even be open and honest in a letter to a newspaper then lord only knows what he told his insurers. I hate to say it but it seems he did it to himself with his one.
I posted the link because it is topical and relevant to many on here and might bring up interesting debate and information that some including me, may not have even considered or even thought about. On my part I live in a remote place and rarely see anyone other than my own wife and so tend not to be very up to date with every day things so, have a tendency to hold on to more old fashioned ways and thought. The things that once where, suddenly appear changed and any without process.