Is safe delete DPF and Adblue?

No worries at all, know it’s not to everyone’s taste to do what I’ve done but not forking out another £1600 for a new turbo when it would go again. I will risk it.
See, I'm the same. There gets a point where it's false economy putting new bits on an old(er) van so an alternative solution has to be considered.
One other option is to get the DPF professionally cleaned. There are loads of companies out there offering this service. My independent says around 70% of his emission related work is blocked DPFs
You can go down that route, but will just keep happening and more expense. It’s an absolute garbage design, most of time it doesn’t get hot enough to burn away the crap and deposit it. Mine was solid inside and no saving it.
So options are, buy a new DPF for the exact same to happen or delete it.
Touch wood mine has not had any issues so far, but a friend had a blocked DPF cleaned around a year ago and he says he has not had a problem since. So I suppose you have to balance the cleaning cost against other option. I agree the whole thing with DPFs is a ticking time bomb.
Hi Guys

im thing to reprog and delete the DPF and the adblue, someone did it? it is safe? Im a bit worry about if in the future have problems with the DPF it is very expensivo to fix

Thanks you
I've had EGR (internals), adblue, dpf delete with no emission or smoke issues at MOT test…. runs superb
I'm wondering if any members care to recommend a garage/mechanic ,(Sydney Australia or at least NSW east coast) that blank off and program out the EGR but leave the DPF fully operational?
It's a 2017 LWB T6 with the CXEB TDI450 engine.
I'm not sure recommending 'a man' on an open forum is a good idea , maybe something you save for private messaging .
Thanks for the replies.
Point taken on the recommendations.

My gut feel on the requirement of the DPF regeneration process was that the EGR would be closed to allow increased temperatures for the regen and the ECU would look for a functioning EGR before starting the regen process.

I'm searching through the SSP manuals to try and find out.
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The following excerpt is from the SSP330
"The diesel particulate filter system with additive - Design and Function"

page 18;

Engine management during regeneration

From the flow resistance of the filter, the engine control unit can detect the level of carbon deposit in the filter.

A high flow resistance indicates that the filter is in danger of becoming blocked. The engine control unit initiates

regeneration. To do this:

● exhaust gas recirculation is switched off to raise the combustion temperature,
