Horizontal snow up here at the moment. We've had strong winds and rain all week. Fortunately (up to press) we've sustained no damage.
However. Stick a weather warning out for London and its' environs and the BBC goes into meltdown! Trains cancelled, schools shut. Their wonderful mayor suggesting people stay inside. Guidance on where to park your car (or T6 for that matter) Roving reporters clad in Rab down coats telling all and sundry how bad it's going to be. Panic, panic, panic.
Sorry to bring things back down to earth but we've had a fair old bit of weather oop north this last week or two. Condition normal, just get on with it.
Strange how there was hardly a whisper about the weather earlier on in the week. However, if it affects London (potentially) then the BBC devotes the best part of its' news programme to the chuffing weather!