Just the right hand side of the diagram (LCD battery-Computer S with Smart-Shunt and the Bluetooth Connector S-BC)something is not right here:
View attachment 80153
if you have a current shunt style battery monitor (for lithium battery)
you should only have ONE conection to the battery-ve post.
ALL other ground connections need to be a body ground.
it looks like you have 2x beefy ground cables and a small black cable on the -ve battery post.
if that is the case your battery monitor may be giving you false readings?
View attachment 80154
any idea what ur energy monitor app is conected to?
what of these below have you got?
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View attachment 80156
View attachment 80157
The solar is going straight to the Ctek d250SE.
I wasn't aware of a limit to number of connections to the -ve of the battery.
This is exactly how I got it back.
Yes, there is a beefy cable which seems to go under the floor, and a braided cable which goes to one side of the shunt and it looks like the smaller black cable with blue crimped
ends goes to the other side of the shunt.
Got the passenger seat off now, so bit easier to see.