Once down to temperature, a fridge cycles on & off so the 5amp rating might average between 1 & 2A over several cycles, depending on its settings.
Your six 2W lamps draw 1A and might be on for say four hours in the evenings?
So worst case, a typical day might be 24hours x 2A for the fridge, which is 48Ah, and 4Ah for the lights, total 52Ah.
A 100Ah battery shouldnt be discharged below 50% so its useful capacity is about 55Ah, so as you can see,
without solar you're only talking 24 hours (worst case). You can extend this by not opening the fridge door unnecessarily and by raising its thermostat temperature slightly, in which case you might make a weekend from it. And what to do if it goes flat? Hook-up, or a daily drive around will top it up but you should never allow it to fall below 50% capacity as over-discharge causes permanent damage to the battery.