Lower dash removal to retrieve fuses


T6 Pro
i need help, I've dropped 3 of the square fuses trying to get one in for the upper dash 12v socket. I've got the glove and the two foot well panels box out. and removed all the screws i can find but still cant get the trim away round the fuse box, is it one piece round the gear stick as well? could any give me some pointers on what else i need to remove?
not sure which dash you have but the comfort dash part around the gearstick is all one piece. You have to remove the light switch, trim panel and foot well panel on the drivers side. There is also screws close to the fuse box
not sure which dash you have but the comfort dash part around the gearstick is all one piece. You have to remove the light switch, trim panel and foot well panel on the drivers side. There is also screws close to the fuse box
thanks its not comfort, and found the few around the box. it looks like there is an upper and lower half but cant see how to sperate them. is there any fastening under the gear stick? how does the gearstick cover come up?
thanks its not comfort, and found the few around the box. it looks like there is an upper and lower half but cant see how to sperate them. is there any fastening under the gear stick? how does the gearstick cover come up?
The last time I did this I ended up removing panels on the drivers side to get the fuse panel cover off. Crazy design.
I plan to modify the cover so it can be easily removed.
ded up removing panels on the drivers side to get the fuse panel cover off. Crazy design.
I plan to modify the cover so it can be easily removed.
thanks im thinking of a hacksaw, how did you get it loose around the gearstick
The gearstick gaiter is just clipped in. Just prise it off.
There's no need to take a hacksaw to anything. The drivers side panel is easy to remove and takes all of 5 minutes. Remove the light switch by placing it in the off position and pushing it in and rotating clockwise, you can then disconnect the switch. There's a screw behind it that you'll need to undo to remove the surround. The panel then just unclips, although it may need a bit of force first time it comes out. The headlight range control/dash illumination switch just pops out.

To remove the centre section, yes, it is one piece. As deaky has said, pop the gear surround up and then you can access another screw behind there. Once you have all the screws out it should just lift up and over the gear stick and surround. It's a bit fiddly, but it will go.

Make sure you disconnect the 12v socket feed (white connector) and don't forget to reconnect when you put it back together.
thanks im thinking of a hacksaw, how did you get it loose around the gearstick
NO don’t do that.
When I said I was thinking of modifying it I meant with a bit of finesse, cut in a way that’s hardly noticeable and with control and accuracy.
NO don’t do that.
When I said I was thinking of modifying it I meant with a bit of finesse, cut in a way that’s hardly noticeable and with control and accuracy.
yea, what think of doing it nicely, frustrations getting better
To remove the centre section, yes, it is one piece. As deaky has said, pop the gear surround up and then you can access another screw behind there. Once you have all the screws out it should just lift up and over the gear stick and surround. It's a bit fiddly, but it will go.
And do cover the heater controls and surrounding trim with a cloth when fiddling the centre section out or back in - the trim scratches very easily. Mine is now painted :whistle:
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Thanks all, 1 fuse disappeared down under the carpet. I put the square fuse in for the upper dash socket but it still doesn't work, could it be on a different fuse?
Check 15a under the passenger seat
Dash aux fuse has been under the passenger seat since T5. Maybe it’s tucked under the carpet to make way for your swivel. Is it a double or single?
After a lot of digging on the fourm found it 12v socket upper dash

I thank that little fuse box you have on the side of the main one is an optional extra.