MIB2 PQ Discover Media - Infotainment mods, upgrade, FEC / SWaP

Hello, does anyone want to share their MCF image file with me? I have a silver Carvelle T6. I would like to swap the Crafter for a T6. The instructions for this are fine, but unfortunately I have problems unpacking it. I can't program Python. That's why I'm asking if someone could provide me with their picture?
I dealt with the topic of DM a bit. I dug through the 480T firmware and found graphics for T6.1. Based on their location, I came to the conclusion that in this version the coding address 5F for our VW Transporters should look like this:

Byte 0,1,2
02 14 06 (in previous SW versions this coding was for Atlas)

Byte 18
00 (standard boot screen with logo VW - it's important, there is correlation between byte 0,1,2 and 18)

Images look like this:


I attached archive with all of T6.1 graphics from SW 480T (change name of this file - crop .txt)



  • 0204010600.7z.txt
    5.2 MB · Views: 19
I managed to switch to 478 but I no longer have any fec/swap codes
that works
a little help to clear or activate everything
thanks gerry



lasts hours:
-applying MST2_EU_VW_PQ_P0478T_3G0919360JL (downgrading)
in "service mode" / "test mode" / "SWDL" / "Toggle MANUAL"(touch manual, 1 time) / "download" / "select all" / "install".

-install mibtools again
-verify in 5F / long coding / byte 0-2 is set to crafter
View attachment 168257


-copy skins to SD : test mode / GEM / mib2tools / dump / skin

-put SD in computer
-extract skins with

-put skin with my car instead of the crafter ones (sometimes I was not sure, I replaced the "MAN" too )

-compress the mcf with new images:

put skin on SD:

put SD in car, copy skin to car:
GEM/mib2tools/tool/customization/skins/copy from /custom/skins

Show Off
View attachment 168249View attachment 168250

View attachment 168251

View attachment 168252
be careful to align left and right of your image to fit exactly the crafter horizontaly!

View attachment 168256
same for this one, align perfectly the nose and the tail of the car !

I will maybe mod park pilot to paint my multivan in blue

I need to activate sport mode, but it seems to be more difficult :)

If you have a blue "acapulco" multivan, I can share skin, PM ;)

I can't extract the images.mcf file
after many attempts
a little help
thanks gerry

thank you j 'arrived there @Robert
But I have my ops who disappeared
When I injected the images
How to solve this problem
Or if someone has the original ( images . mcf) file of t6 I am interested
thank gerry
I have a 5K7035200l ORIGINAL INSTALL with firmware MST2_EU_VW_PQ_P0475T.
What is the firmware for this multimedia?
I have SD files 3G0.919.360.JL with mst2_eu_vw_pq_p0478t and other file with mst2_eu_vw_pq_p480t 3g0.919.360.QT

Is the firmware correct for my multimedia with 1 SD Card slot?

i have odis offline to confirm install.

that's right? Can I install without risks?. I will connect a charger/source to maintain the 12.5 volt during the update.

I dealt with the topic of DM a bit. I dug through the 480T firmware and found graphics for T6.1. Based on their location, I came to the conclusion that in this version the coding address 5F for our VW Transporters should look like this:

Byte 0,1,2
02 14 06 (in previous SW versions this coding was for Atlas)

Byte 18
00 (standard boot screen with logo VW - it's important, there is correlation between byte 0,1,2 and 18)

Images look like this:

View attachment 270172

I attached archive with all of T6.1 graphics from SW 480T (change name of this file - crop .txt)

View attachment 270171
i tryed 02 14 06 but on my device is still vw atlas