New battery - control panel lights

I assume to just get some kind of screw / bolt into a bare bit of bodywork then connect it to there?

If it is not the Orion could I blow / damage anything?
If you want to test then likely best to remove the cable from the starter battery clamp (ideally without disturbing the clamp) and tape it up and make it safe and then see if the Orion runs.

It's a negative feed but the Orion will be trying to pull 30A+ so you don't want it touching any chassis parts and earthing - the surges will not do the Orion any favours.

So long as you make sure it can't accidentally earth you'll be fine.

Keep in mind if the negative clamp moves it will remove power from the van electronics. This may make things power up in an odd state and you may get some strange behaviour.
If you want to test then likely best to remove the cable from the starter battery clamp (ideally without disturbing the clamp) and tape it up and make it safe and then see if the Orion runs.

It's a negative feed but the Orion will be trying to pull 30A+ so you don't want it touching any chassis parts and earthing - the surges will not do the Orion any favours.

So long as you make sure it can't accidentally earth you'll be fine.

Keep in mind if the negative clamp moves it will remove power from the van electronics. This may make things power up in an odd state and you may get some strange behaviour.
Thanks roadtripper - disconnected it and it stopped working, put it back and it worked again - so looks like this is it.

Confusing pictures on Victron site as appear to have it both ways - but understand it will bypass the shunt if direct connect.

Now need to find the ground point - found the one on the engine mount but that is the opposite side and cable won’t reach - struggling to find the ones by the battery (even with the diagram).


I see on another post some using this for an earth point - would that work - I can’t find anything else!

A commonly used point is the light bracket (pictures in my post here) but I'd not advise that really for the currents the Orion will need - it's fine for things like battery monitors or maintenance charger quick connects though.

If your leisure battery is under the seat there should be one under each. The wire in question will likely be running under there anyway.
A commonly used point is the light bracket (pictures in my post here) but I'd not advise that really for the currents the Orion will need - it's fine for things like battery monitors or maintenance charger quick connects though.

If your leisure battery is under the seat there should be one under each. The wire in question will likely be running under there anyway.

No the battery is in a cupboard at the middle / back - the wire appears eat the starter battery so was hoping to connect it somewhere there.

No the battery is in a cupboard at the middle / back - the wire appears eat the starter battery so was hoping to connect it somewhere there.
Edit - just read you advice that that’s not a good point - think I got the idea for the earth point from the photo with the red pointer.
I've said a couple of times now the thing to look at is where the negative from the leisure battery goes.

It's extremely unlikely that your whole leisure system is grounded through that wire, though let's not rule anything out, it's much more likely that it goes to a more local ground point.
Thanks roadtripper, will have another look - but odd as the leisure battery is right next to the Victron and all the other electrical boxes!

Had a Quick Look under the drivers seat (don’t think the top opens) and found not see much
I've said a couple of times now the thing to look at is where the negative from the leisure battery goes.

It's extremely unlikely that your whole leisure system is grounded through that wire, though let's not rule anything out, it's much more likely that it goes to a more local ground point.
Thanks again roadtripper, had another look - there are a lot (and I mean a lot) of wires and electronic boxes (more photos).

Wires disappear behind trim / carpet and would have to rip it all out to be sure which is beyond my skills.

Odd that wire may go to the starter battery as the leisure battery sits next to the Victron and all the other electrical boxes!

Also had a quick look under the drivers seat (don’t think the top opens) and could not see no much in the way of earth points but hard to see in.

Think I am reaching a point where I have no idea (as someone else built it).

I can see the benefit of converting one yourself as you could document everything to make future maintenance easier (all the wires and boxes were installed before my time).

If only had the time and money ;)






That's quite the tangle of wires, and a lot of connections on the negative of the leisure battery...

Is that a water pipe through the middle of it? If so does it touch the Orion, my worry is that the older ones can get very hot and melting a water line over the top of your DC-DC charger doesn't sound like the recipe for a good day...

Is your leisure battery held down around the base, I don't see any straps or clamps over the top of it?
Thanks roadtripper - yes is the water pipe (good spot) as that IS something I can sort myself.

Will also check if the battery is secure (another good tip) as again something I can do.

Guess on the bright side, if I ever decide to rebuild the van and electrics all the copper I strip out will fund it
So it looks like the 240v charger was added after the original install as the cables from it appear to go to the securing bolts on the battery terminals not the cable clamps, preventing the terminal covers going on (yellow and orange marks)


So the wire of interest is this one in purple that is the only other high current wire that appears to leave the negative terminal and looks like it is correctly in the cable clamp and through the cover - purple highlight - where does this go as it seems to drop down the side of the battery?

If you can be confident that purple highlight wire is going to a good ground and is reasonable current capacity then the best solution would be to disconnect and make safe both ends of the run of the "black PVC wrapped" cable and put a suitable new cable between the Orion negative terminal and the leisure battery negative.

In general that install is crying out for a set of positive and negative bus bars to rationalise the wiring, or at the very least a set of the multiple terminal battery clamps like these:

Hi roadtripper

Thank you so much for all your advice and time I will have another look tomorrow.

My wife is out visiting her dad in hospital so I’m in charge of dinner and washing my sons school uniform - that’s not going to end well - last time I put washing up liquid in the dish washer - don’t ever do that it fills up the kitchen with piles of foam!

Anyway thank you again.…must go can hear the cooker timer going off (aka smoke alarm)
Garage called, they had not recoded the new battery.

They have now coded in the new battery (from 70A knackerd battery to 85A new one) and updated the serial number.

Going to see how that works out, then turn my attention to the earth.

Thanks all for your input.