"park Pilot Currently Not Available" Anyone?

Memory is absolutely right. Converters explained they tested the cam feed in drivers side roof line. Parking sensors I saw go along passengers.
And turns out the "left rear sensor fault" was a red herring/slightly misleading; removed both sensors and tested resistance and voltage across the connectors - all as expected.

...then removed the screws holding on my vanshades panel and voila - one of them went too deep and was pinching and shorting the connection. Problem solved! Very relieved it was simple.


First post here as I'm having a very similar experience.
2018 T6 was converted for me with the usual, pop top, windows, cupboards etc.
Initially I was told there was a broken connector somewhere which they had fixed so that the reversing camera now "works".

The problem however is that although the camera works 90% of the time the reversing sensors seem totally intermittent, and I'm getting the parkpilot currently unavailable message literally every time I start the engine. My guess is that i may also have some pinching going on somewhere. Where exactly was this screw you found impinging on the wire?

First post here as I'm having a very similar experience.
2018 T6 was converted for me with the usual, pop top, windows, cupboards etc.
Initially I was told there was a broken connector somewhere which they had fixed so that the reversing camera now "works".

The problem however is that although the camera works 90% of the time the reversing sensors seem totally intermittent, and I'm getting the parkpilot currently unavailable message literally every time I start the engine. My guess is that i may also have some pinching going on somewhere. Where exactly was this screw you found impinging on the wire?
Sorry it seems my email notifications weren't on so I've only just seen this now.
The offending screw for me was at the very rear, where the loom goes up the inide of the pillar.

Not my van (obviously- i have a vansade in this place) but this is where the risky screws are. However I hope you've managed to resolve it now?

Have you had the connectors off the sensors?
My park pilot started playing up a couple of days ago so I did a scan with OBDeleven which told me there was a problem with the rear left centre sensor. Got underneath the van yesterday and managed to get the sensor out without removing the bumper, took the plug off and there was rusty coloured water in it, quick spray of WD40 and it’s up and running again.
It's worth giving all the sensors a really good squirt of wd40. I had this error a couple of weeks ago and after a bit of research it would seem water can get trapped in them and cause them to play up. Mine started after I had the van cleaned and he went at it with a really powerful jet wash.
Did the wd40 and no more problems since.
When my rear sensors and park pilot didn’t work, it turned out to be a faulty buzzer, located under the steering wheel. £7 buzzer off Amazon sorted it. Bit of a tight squeeze to get at but doable.
It's worth giving all the sensors a really good squirt of wd40. I had this error a couple of weeks ago and after a bit of research it would seem water can get trapped in them and cause them to play up. Mine started after I had the van cleaned and he went at it with a really powerful jet wash.
Did the wd40 and no more problems since.
Did you pop the sensers out? And do it just on the body of it sorry I’m recently passed and first car problems
When my rear sensors and park pilot didn’t work, it turned out to be a faulty buzzer, located under the steering wheel. £7 buzzer off Amazon sorted it. Bit of a tight squeeze to get at but doable.
Reckon it’s that? How can Iknow if it’s that? Cheers
Fortunately my next door neighbour works at a garage and he was able to bring the scanner home which showed the buzzer defective. I just had rear sensors and park pilot( no camera). When placed in reverse I didn’t get any response from sensors or park pilot. Replaced the buzzer and all worked. I think some have another second buzzer in the near side b pillar but mine ( 2018 panel) just has the one under the lower dash below the steering column.
Just got my van back from dealer yesterday after suffering same problem. My van is a 2019 T32. They apparently updated the software and everything was supposed to be fine!
That lasted 24 hours before the same error message came on and Park Pilot failed yet again!
Spoke with dealer this morning and they have now admitted that this is a known problem to VW (particularly with T32's) and a Technical Bulletin has been issued to resolve it. Apparently the first step is to update the software and if that fails to cure the problem, then the dealer has to move to step two, whatever that is!!
None of this was explained to me during my first visit when they claimed they had discovered a small glitch in the software and rectified it!! The van is now booked in again for the next stage of the 'fix'!
Why do VW treat their customers like idiots? Why cant they be upfront about known technical issues?
Watch this space.......
Hi, I know this is an old post but I have exactly the same issue with my T32. Did you ever resolve this?