New Member
Thanks - will check it out!
He's done 3 Nordic winter trips (and is probably there right now for round 4). Lapland, Lofoten islands, Nordkapp, the Russia/Finland/Norway border etc etc etc.
Yes, I was wondering about the air getting out. I don't know what others have done. I'll have to search I guess. I was thinking that the vans probably aren't perfectly sealed so would probably be okay but I don't know. Maybe I could create a pressure chamber or switch it into reverse for some altitude training ;-)Remember if you are piping warm air "in" from the outside you also need to think about where the cold air already inside can get out - otherwise you have a fan that's designed mostly to blow against little resistance trying to pressurise the van to push the cold air out. That's another thing that isn't an issue when installing conventionally as you are taking the air from the van and putting it back so zero sum pressure wise.
Also take great care that your exhaust isn't going to get drawn in to the intake. That's easier to keep a good distance apart in a fixed install, but easy to miss in a portable.